TeamDynamix is a ticketing, project management (PPM), asset management, and service management (ITSM) application. Both the System Office and colleges use it.

Categories (8)

Knowledge Management

Articles related to the TeamDynamix Knowledge Base and our standards, processes, and procedures.

TDX: Admin

For TDX Admin processes, how-to's, security roles, application access, and global settings.

Articles (26)

New to TeamDynamix?

If you're new to TeamDynamix or just haven't visited us in a while, let's get you started.

TDX: How to Request a new Service in the Service Catalog

Add a new service to the TeamDynamix Service Catalog

TDX: ITS Change Management Procedures

ITS change management procedures documenting the change management process including the use of Team Dynamix.

TDX: Licensing

How is licensing handled in TeamDynamix

TDX: My group is getting tickets that should have gone to another group

What to do if your users are choosing the wrong services in the service catalog.

TDX: Offboarding Team Dynamix users

These are the steps to take when offboarding users to inactivate them in Team Dynamix and free up their license if it is a paid license.

TDX: Project Team Onboarding in TDX Help Guide

This should be used as an onboarding help guide for project team members who have only the client license, or are more comfortable using the client portal.

TDX: Projects: Adding Files to the Team Dynamix File Cabinet

Find out how to add files to the Team Dynamix file cabinet. This is something you may need to do when closing a project in Team Dynamix.

TDX: Setting up email auth account and email monitor for ticket creation

Notes on setting up email auth account and email monitor for ticket creation from emails to a dedicated email address.

TDX: TeamDynamix Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional unanswered questions please email them to

TDX: The difference between ticket status resolved and closed and when you should use each

Not sure when to use ticket status resolved or closed when closing a ticket? Check out this KB article for the answer and explanation.

TDX: Ticket Statuses

List of ticket statuses and an explanation of when to use them

TDX: Tickets Classifications

Tickets have classifications ranging from (in order of lowest to highest): 
1.Service Requests and Incidents 
2.Major Incidents 

TDX: Updates Required when New ITS Phone List Created

Required changes to reflect phone list updates in Team Dynamix for System Office ITS staff.

TDX: Using Surveys

How to configure and use ticket and project surveys in Team Dynamix.

TDX: Using url shortener to fix broken links in service catalog

Learn how to fix a broken link in the service catalog.

TDX: What are Service Management processes and function?

The main areas in IT service management are Service Support and Service Delivery. Within these areas are processes and a function.

Service Delivery is responsible for the overall quality of service. It is involved in management practices.
Service Support is the practice of disciplines that affect the day-to-day processes

For addiotnal details, read this article.

TDX: What is an Incident vs a Problem?

• An incident is an unplanned disruption or degradation of service.

• A problem is a cause of one or more incidents.

For additional details, click on this article.