TDX: Setting up email auth account and email monitor for ticket creation

Notes on creating email auth account and email monitor.
TeamDynamix's article on creating an Email Auth account.
Here are some hints from another college:
Use as the base url
The Authorized Redirect URIs field is

The confusion over what the TeamDynamix documentation ( refers to as the:

  • Client ID
  • Client (Secret) Value

Is that Azure refers to them as:

  • Application (client) ID (Which is displayed at the creation of the Azure application, and also under the App Registration’s Overview)
  • Value (inside of App Registration’s Certifications & Secrets

So, my confusion over the Client ID is that I had misunderstood the Secret ID (from Certificates & Secrets) as the Client ID initially. Similar verbiage, but not the same thing.

TeamDynamix's article to set up the monitor:

TD Admin will need to set up a ticket app user 'college code' and password with an Email Service role which will also need to be created in the ticket app.

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Article ID: 148726
Fri 1/12/24 3:47 PM
Fri 8/16/24 12:22 PM