TDX: TeamDynamix Frequently Asked Questions

Signing In

I have two active directory IDs. How do I know which one to use?
Log in via MyVCCS.
How do I get to the apps?
The waffle icon in the upper left of the screen has a drop down list showing all the apps you have access to.  You can choose one to add a tab to your screen and X the tab to remove it. Key applications are "Desktop" "My Work" and "Tickets". "SO Client Portal" takes you to the front page that our users see, but can also be used to submit your own tickets in the right service areas.

Creating and Working on Tickets

What is the difference between an incident, a service request, a problem, a change, and a release?
TeamDynamix has an article here about this distinction. It is an important one for ITIL Service Management (another explainer from Cornell). Note that the relationship is broadly hierarchical, i.e. incidents can be collected under problems, which may require a change or release to resolve. Alternatively a service request may lead to a change. TeamDynamix allows technicians to add child tickets (e.g. multiple incidents as children of a problem ticket), and to create a parent ticket from a particular kind of ticket, e.g. create a change from a service request.
When would I use a Problem ticket?
A problem ticket is an umbrella for several related incidents.For example, a server crashed and caused a data issue. 12 tickets were opened. A problem ticket is opened and the 12 tickets are linked to it as children. One useful feature related to problem tickets is that you can do mass notification and updates with this, e.g. closing all tickets with one step. There is also a note referencing all tickets added.
When would I use a Release ticket?
A release ticket is an umbrella for multiple change tickets that are all going to be moved at the same time.
How do I submit a ticket?
Go to the Portal and use the Report a Problem or Request Service options.

Working a Ticket

How do I assign a ticket to myself?
In the My Work app choose my assignments > locate the ticket and click the Add button. There is also an "Add to My Work" option in the Actions menu of a ticket. The "My Assignments" module (which you can place on your desktop) has an "+ My Work" button.
How do I edit a ticket?
Open the ticket and click the edit button.
How do I add a note to a ticket?
Open the ticket and click the comment link. Make sure you choose to notify the requester if appropriate.
How do I email a ticket to someone?
Open the ticket and click the Actions button and choose Forward
How do I next action a ticket to someone?
Under the Add button, choose Task and enter the name of the responsible user.
How do I add an attachment?
Click the Add button and choose Attachment.
How do I assign/reassign a ticket?
In the My Work App choose My Work. Locate the ticket and click the "x My Work" button to set the ticket back to the original group assignment. To reassign the ticket to a different user open it and then click the Actions button and choose Reassign Ticket. Make sure you enter a user or group to assign it to. Do not leave this blank. A ticket Actions menu also has "Remove from My Work" which also reassigns back to the original group assignment.
How do I put a ticket on hold?
Update the ticket and change the status to a status that starts with "Waiting".
How do I close a ticket?
Open the ticket and choose Update. Change the status to Resolved, Closed, or Cancelled, enter a comment, and make sure you notify people as appropriate. You may wish to use a Comment Template for this. Then Save.
How do I search for a specific ticket?
If you know the ticket number, just enter it at the top right and enter. If you need to search for it, use the Tickets app and the Search box at top right. You many need to use the Filter button to narrow it down or to look for closed tickets. Enter your search information and click Apply.
How do I get to the Knowledge Base?
Choose the Knowledge Base App from the blue and white striped waffle at top left
How do I run a ticketing report?
In the Tickets App choose Standard Reports, Ticket Reports, or Ticket Task Reports or select +New and create a new report.
How do I view open tickets that I submitted?
On a Desktop, edit the desktop and add TDTickets/Tickets - My Submitted Tickets if you haven't already done so.
How do I view open tickets assigned to me?
In the My Work App choose My Work. You can also add this as a module on a Desktop.
How do I view open tickets next actioned to me or that I have tasks for?
In the My Work App choose My Work. You can also add this as a module on a Desktop.
How do I create a global ticket in TD?
You can create a problem ticket by going to the ticketing application and clicking Incidents. Check the checkbox next to each incident that is related to the problem. Then click the actions button and choose Create Problem.
How/where can I see global issues?
In TD you can look for problem or incident tickets.Go to your desktop and add the Problem ticket report to your desktop at the top to make the problem tickets easy to find.
Why am I getting so many emails from TD?
You will receive email notifications for any tickets that you are a member of the group for either the primary responsibility of the ticket or the reviewer of the ticket. For the most part we are not using reviewers.  You can reply to ticket notifications and your reply will be added to the ticket. If you copy other people on your reply, they will be added as contacts on the ticket.


How often are the escalation notices sent when there is a SLA violation?
There are two parts to SLAs. First is the Response phase, which is simply met by a technician updating a ticket from a New status. Emails are sent and other actions like reassigning or notifying managers are based on configurable thresholds. For example, the most basic Response SLA is to notify the person or group responsible when no-one has responded at the 50% threshold. 
Who gets emails of SLA violations?
Only some tickets currently use an SLA. For those that do, different policies can be created for different ticket types. For example, one SLA might be configured so that if a ticket hasn't been responded to (the status has not been updated from New) within 10 hours the primary responsibility on the ticket and that person's manager will receive notification of an SLA violation. In addition, if the ticket hasn't been resolved (the status hasn't been changed to either resolved, closed, or cancelled) within 48 hours the primary responsibility on the ticket and that person's manager will receive notification.
How can I turn off escalation notices?
If you change the ticket status to an on-hold classification the escalations will stop. Update the ticket and change the status to a status that starts with "Waiting."
What do I do if I have a ticket that will be open long term. For example I have a ticket that I leave open because periodically there is work that is needed on it but for the most part it isn't active.
For long term tickets consider if this should be a project and if so create a project request for it. If there is something that needs to take place and you know about it in advance you can create a scheduled ticket by going to the ticketing app and choosing +New > Scheduled ticket. If you just want to prevent escalations you can change the status to an on hold status ("Waiting on ...").
What does the private checkbox on the ticket comments actually control?
Private means it's only visible to ticket users which is any user in TD who is a technician or higher (someone who can work a ticket). Anyone can be a client user and those users would not be able to see anything marked private.
What is the difference between a Resolved status and a Closed status?
Resolved means that an answer or solution was provided allowing the ticket to be closed. A ticket can be closed without being resolved if there is no resolution or if there lack of response or for a number of other reasons.


Can reports be copied and Saved?
Standard reports can not be copied. Custom Ticket reports and Ticket Task reports can be copied and saved. These are found in the ticketing application and in the Analysis Application.
Is there a way to schedule reports?
Yes. In the ticketing or the Analysis application find the report. Select the report and then click the Actions button and choose edit. Navigate to the bottom of the report and under email delivery click the Add button. Choose an interval here to set the frequency of when this report will be generated and emailed to the user.
Reports on a desktop
All reports can be added to a desktop, so if you have a useful report that you refer to frequently, you can simply add it to your main desktop.

If you additional unanswered questions please email them to

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