TDX: Self Registration


TD will be configured to allow someone to self-register who has

  • a MyVCCS id
  • an organization populated (this will prevent students from self-registering)
  • a current OU (this will prevent past employees from self-registering)

They will be assigned a security role called SSO Client which will allow us to distinguish between people who have self-registered and those who have not.  This is a client security license.  This is equivalent to the client security role we are giving to all other client license holders.  We will use their college to assign their acct/dept which will ensure that IT will be able to determine what college has opened a ticket.

We will configure one security role per college and one for System Office.  The college in the user's profile will be evaluated when they attempt to self-register against the college in the self-registration template.  If the college is the same then the user will be self-registered and the college will be assigned.  If the college is not the same then the next self-registration profile will be activated and that college will be evaluated against the college in the user's profile.  This will continue for each self-registration profile.  If not match is found against the profile then the user will not be able to self-register.

We have customized the page that is displayed if the user is not able to self-register.  This is what they will see:

You must be VCCS faculty or staff in order to sign into Team Dynamix.

Please contact your help desk for any questions. Refer to this knowledge base article for information on contacting your help desk.

Click here to return to the Team Dynamix public web site.

If they click the blue knowledge base link they will be transferred to a knowledge base article which lists all the help desk contact information for each college.  If they click the blue here link they will be transferred back to the TD public web site.

In order to address college users who have multiple institutions we plan to create a report that can be run periodically by TD admin.  The report will include users that have self registered during a period of time and will be used to manually query and find out if they have access to other institutions.  If they do the TD admin will then need to update their user profile in TD adding additional groups for the other institutions.  The additional groups will ensure that users can see the services for their college since permissions to services is done by groups.  The report will also be developed to include the user's default acct/dept and group so that it can be used to audit whether groups and acct/depts are being properly assigned.

A public knowledge base article has been created telling new users how to self-register/sign-in.  It also contains links to college help desks and the VCCS staff directory.

Need to address how to offboard client license holders.  The plan is that the system will not let college users sign into TD once their OU has been changed to alumni.  We do not need to change them to customers but instead just need to inactivate them in TD.  We don't need to worry about reassigning work for college users since they cannot have tasks or tickets assigned to them.

Policy – How will we handle services requested that should have been opened with the college user’s college help desk?  The TD technician user will close the ticket with a comment saying that they need to go to their college help desk.  The user needs to be notified when their ticket is closed.  We will also create a KB article that will be attached containing all college help desk links.  We will also put the college help desk info on our public TD web portal.  We also need to put a disclaimer on our services saying “consult your local help desk first”.  We also should put a similar disclaimer on our public web portal.

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Article ID: 4129
Tue 3/3/15 2:18 PM
Tue 9/17/24 3:08 PM