Goodloe Center, Home Craft Days, Graduation, Mountain Music School, Classrooms, Conference Room
Event Title
A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
Request to Use College Resources

Reservation Details

Ex. 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Requester Details

Are you an employee of MECC?
Are you an employee of MECC?

Room Details

What Type Of Room Do You Wish To Reserve?
What Type Of Room Do You Wish To Reserve?
(List the classroom number if known or the description/type of space you need.)
Select Preferred Style:
Select Preferred Style:
(A drawing of room configuration must be attached.)
You can upload multiple attachments.
Will food be served? If yes, please choose the type of meal below:
Will food be served? If yes, please choose the type of meal below:

The undersigned hereby makes an application to Mountain Empire Community College for the use of College facilities as indicated above. The undersigned assures that the applicant(s) have reviewed and will observe all regulations of MECC, will exercise the utmost care in the use of the College’s premises and property, and will make restitution for any damage arising from any loss, damage, liability, expense, claim or demand that may arise from the negligence of the undersigned by such use of College facilities. It is understood that permission to use College facilities does not imply that the College is entering into a co-sponsoring relationship or that the views of the undersigned reflect the views or position of the College administration. It is also understood that all applicable fees must be paid in full prior to the date of the event.

Click Here to Agree To Above Statement
Click Here to Agree To Above Statement

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