Mountain Empire Community College allows the use of its facilities by groups and other agencies to the extent that such use supports or complements the College’s mission and does not interfere with educational programs or activities.
The College has absolute discretion to determine if a requested use of facilities supports or complements the College’s mission and/or does not interfere with educational programs or activities.
Facilities available include designated general-purpose classrooms, computer lab classrooms, conference rooms, auditoriums, tennis courts, parking lots, and a firing range.
Fees will be assessed for external groups using the auditoriums and computer labs as a means of recovering the costs associated with the use of facilities. Additional fees will be charged for extra services provided by our facilities personnel, police personnel, sound and lighting technicians, and computer technicians.
To submit a request for facility use, click on the green button, “Facilities Request ”, on the right-hand side of this page.
Please be advised of Policy below.
Campus Tent Erection and Use Policy (2.14 MECC)
The construction or occupation of a Camping Tent is prohibited.
“Camping Tent” means any collapsible tent or structure, typically having as its basic components a flexible material supported by a framework, designed, intended, or used as temporary shelter while camping or on recreational outdoor outings. Camping Tents may include tents known as “pup tents,” “dome tents,” “cabin tents,” “hiker tents,” and “backpacking tents.”
A “Camping Tent” does not include a tent with all sides entirely open and where there is an unobstructed view into such tent from the outside at all angles. All other conduct provisions apply to the use of open tents.
Only tents approved in advance pursuant to the Campus Erection and Use Policy shall be permitted. No Camping Tents shall be permitted at any time. All tents of any type must be removed no later than10:30 p.m.
This policy applies to all individuals and groups intending to erect tents on campus property for any campus-sponsored events, including but not limited to student organizations, faculty, staff, and external partners involved in campus events.
Policy Guidelines
- Approval Process:
- All individuals or groups must obtain prior approval through a Facilities Use Request form before erecting any tents on campus.
- A Tent Erection Request Form must be submitted no less than 10 days prior to the event. The form should include the event details, tent specifications, location, and duration of use.
- The request will be reviewed by Facilities Management and Campus Police to ensure compliance with safety and accessibility standards.
- Location and Placement:
- Tents may only be erected in designated areas approved by the Facilities Management.
- The placement of tents must not obstruct pedestrian pathways, emergency exits, or access to campus facilities.
- Tents should be placed in a manner that minimizes disruption to normal campus activities.
- Safety and Compliance:
- All tents must comply with local fire codes, including the use of flame-retardant materials and proper fire extinguishing equipment on-site.
- The structural integrity of the tents must be ensured, with adequate anchoring to prevent collapse or displacement.
- Electrical wiring and other utilities associated with the tents must be installed by a licensed professional and approved by campus safety officials.
- Duration and Removal:
- Unless approved by Facilities Management, tents may be erected no more than 3 days before the start of the event and must be removed within 3 days after the event concludes.
- The responsible party must ensure that the area is cleaned and returned to its original condition after the removal of the tent.
- Liability:
- The College is not liable for any damages or injuries resulting from the improper erection or use of tents on campus.
- Enforcement and Penalties:
- Failure to comply with this policy may result in the denial of future tent erection requests and potential financial penalties.
- The College reserves the right to dismantle any tent that poses a safety risk or is erected without proper approval.
Any exceptions to this policy must be approved in writing by Facilities Management prior to the event.
Review and Revision
This policy shall be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness.
Effective Date
This policy is effective as of August 26, 2024 and supersedes any previous policies or guidelines regarding the erection of tents on campus.
Facility Use Fees | External Groups Only
Goodloe Center, Phillips-Taylor Hall (maximum capacity 400).................................$50/hour
Computer Labs (fee applies to partial or entire day)................................................ $30/day
Fees are intended to recover basic utilities, maintenance, housekeeping, security, and normal setups. If additional setup, security, or other specialized services are required, other costs will be assessed at the following per-person rates:
- Buildings and Grounds Personnel.........................................................................................$14/hour
- Security Personnel...................................................................................................................$20/hour
- Sound and Lighting Technician..............................................................................................$26/hour
- Computer Technician...............................................................................................................$30/hour
Facility use fees may be subject to state sales tax. To qualify for sales tax exemption, submit the appropriate Virginia Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Exemption. Exemption certificates are available at the Virginia Department of Taxation’s website.
Fees and applicable sales tax must be paid at the College Business Office prior to the event.
No reservation shall be honored until payment of fees, taxes, and any outstanding prior debts to the College has been made.
Facilities available for use by reservation are:
Policies and Procedures for The Use of College Facilities
The following policies and procedures will govern the use of College facilities to ensure that priority is given to using facilities in support of the College’s teaching mission, to prevent property damage and loss, and to ensure that resources are used efficiently.
Denise Collins, Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services | 276-523-7463
- The College employee reserving the room assumes supervisory responsibility for the conduct and activities of all persons associated with and attending the event.
- Putting up decorations or scenery or moving furniture is prohibited unless prior approval is granted. Users of College facilities may not tape items to walls or doors.
- The piano in the Goodloe Center may not be used without expressed permission.
- College policies regarding the use of food, drinks, and tobacco products in buildings must be followed.
- No alcoholic beverages may be served.
- Authorized personnel may operate sound and lighting equipment only.
- Software may not be installed on or removed from computers by anyone other than authorized personnel.
- Campus police should be notified in the event of a disturbance, injury, or illness. All events should end by midnight unless prior arrangements have been made.
- Any event scheduled on the College campus will be canceled when the College is closed due to inclement weather
1. Reserving facilities for activities and events other than the use of classrooms and laboratories for the normal class schedule:
- Requests for space for meetings of College personnel which require no special set-up may be made by submitting a ticket at Mountain Empire Portal Home (
- Requests for space for activities and events that involve persons other than College personnel or that require special set-up must be made at least 14 days prior to the scheduled event by submitting a ticket at Mountain Empire Portal Home (
- In planning for events that involve large groups, consideration should be given to the limited parking available.
2. The nature of the activity or event and size of the group will determine the room assigned for use regardless of the specific room requested.
Policies and Procedures for The Use of College Facilities
Mountain Empire Community College allows the use of its facilities by groups and other agencies to the extent that such use supports or complements the College’s mission and does not interfere with educational programs or activities. The College has absolute discretion to determine if a requested use of facilities supports or complements the College’s mission and/or does not interfere with educational programs or activities. Facilities will generally be available after 2 p.m. Monday through Friday and at any time during the day or evening on weekends. Facilities available include designated classrooms and laboratories, conference rooms, auditoriums, tennis courts, and a firing range. Fees will be assessed for external groups for the use of auditoriums and computer labs as a means of recovering the costs associated with the use of facilities by non-college groups. Additional fees will be charged for extra services provided by security personnel, sound and lighting technicians, and other general support personnel.
Policy and Procedures
- All groups desiring to use College facilities should contact Academic Affairs and Workforce Solutions at 276-523‑9025 and submit the form provided at least 15 working days after receipt of the policy and form. The College reserves the right to assign space as deemed appropriate for the event. Repetitive scheduling on a routine basis is generally not permitted. Permission to use College facilities does not imply that a co-sponsoring relationship exists or that the views of the group or agency reflect the views of the College administration. External groups using College facilities should not promote or advertise their event as being co-sponsored by the College.
- Applications for facility usage must be signed by an officer or authorized representative of the requesting group or organization that assumes supervisory responsibility for the conduct and activities of all persons associated with and attending the event. The applicant must represent a reputable organization that is not in conflict with the policies and mission of the College or the laws of the Commonwealth, the local jurisdiction, or the Federal government.
- The user accepts full responsibility for any damage done to the structures, fields, collections, or facilities of the College, and agrees to protect, indemnify, and save the College from all liability resulting from its negligent use of such facility. The College reserves the right to require an advance security deposit for the use of facilities.
- The number of participants shall not exceed the authorized capacity of the facility reserved. Putting up decorations or scenery, or moving furniture, including pianos, room dividers, or other college property is prohibited unless prior permission is granted. Users of College facilities may not tape items to walls or doors. College policies regarding the use of food, drinks, and tobacco products in buildings must be followed. No alcoholic beverages may be served. Software may not be installed on or removed from computers by anyone other than College personnel.
- The user shall be held responsible for the preservation of order during the period of use of the College facility. The College may require the employment of security personnel at the user’s expense with notice to and written acceptance from the user as to the need and cost of such expense at least 72 hours prior to the event. Appropriate College personnel must have free access to all facilities at all times. College police should be notified in the event of a disturbance, injury, or illness. All events should end by midnight unless prior arrangements have been made. Users’ property and equipment should be removed from the facility immediately following the event.
- Nothing may be sold, given, exhibited, or displayed without permission of the College. Groups sponsoring activities may accept donations on-site. These donations are to be handled only by members of the group sponsoring the activity and not by any College employee. In addition, the public must be informed that the sponsoring organization, not the College, is the donee. This notice may be in the form of a sign and/or printed material distributed at the activity.
- All tax liabilities (other than for facilities use) are to be assumed by the user. Any event scheduled on the College campus will be canceled when the College is closed due to inclement weather; electrical, mechanical, or other system failures. Events will not be scheduled when the college is closed for planned holidays.
- Youth or children’s groups shall be supervised at all times by responsible adults provided by the using group.
- The College may revoke approval for the use of facilities in an emergency when use interferes with regular College use, when facilities are misused, or when College regulations are violated.