Stipend Request


A stipend request is a formal process used to seek financial support for specific activities, projects, or services that are not covered by regular salaries or wages. This financial assistance helps cover costs related to these activities and is often used in educational, professional, or volunteer contexts.

Purpose of a Stipend Request:

The primary objectives of submitting a stipend request are to:

  • Secure funding for activities or projects that require financial support.
  • Ensure proper budgeting and allocation of resources.
  • Maintain transparency and accountability in financial dealings.
  • Facilitate the successful completion of specific tasks or roles by providing necessary financial resources.

Steps to Request a Stipend:

  1. Identify the Need for a Stipend:
    • Clearly define the purpose of the stipend request, including the specific activity, project, or service for which funding is sought. Determine the total amount required and how it will be used.
  2. Complete the Stipend Request Form:
    • Complete the stipend request. This form typically includes fields for employee information, details about the requested stipend and the department in which the stipend needs to be charged to.
    • Include any necessary supporting documentation to support the request.
  3. Review and Approval:
    • The stipend request will be reviewed by appropriate personnel for approval.
  4. Notification of Approval:
    • Once reviewed, you will receive notification of the approval status. If approved, you will be informed about the stipend amount, disbursement method, and any additional requirements.
  5. Signatures and Processing.
    • HR will create a stipend based on the information of the request. Once all signatures have been collected HR will process stipend.


The stipend request process is an essential mechanism for securing financial support for various activities and projects. By following a structured approach and adhering to best practices, individuals and organizations can effectively manage their stipend requests, ensuring that they receive the necessary funding to achieve their goals while maintaining transparency and accountability.