HyFlex Classroom Technology

HyFlex Classroom Technology Assistance

In our commitment to innovative and flexible education, we offer HyFlex classroom technology, designed to facilitate simultaneous in-person and virtual teaching. This approach allows us to extend our educational reach, accommodating various learning preferences and needs.

This helpdesk category is your support hub for all matters related to HyFlex classroom technology. Whether you're an instructor preparing for a hybrid lesson, a student experiencing connectivity issues, or a staff member needing guidance on the system's features, our team is here to assist.

Our HyFlex technology support includes, but is not limited to:

  • Setup and configuration for hybrid teaching sessions
  • Troubleshooting audio and video issues
  • Guidance on using interactive tools for engaging both in-person and virtual participants
  • Assistance with recording and archiving lessons

We understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by hybrid teaching, and we're committed to providing the support needed to make your HyFlex classroom experience as seamless and effective as possible.

For any inquiries, requests, or issues related to our HyFlex classroom technology, please submit a request here. Our dedicated team is ready to respond promptly, ensuring that technology enhances, rather than hinders, our educational mission.

Open Ticket


Service ID: 53185
Tue 8/22/23 2:39 PM
Fri 9/8/23 11:12 AM