Document Management System
Perceptive Content (vendor Hyland) - a document management system/repository for storage of electronic documents.

Hyland - Perceptive Content (vendor - software solution) is our document management system solution. A repository for documents related to our student information system, human resources, procurement, and any other documentation that should be stored as part of Records Retention laws.
HPC also has a module within it for ʺIntelligent Capture Recognitionʺ (ICR) known as Brainware. In 2020, NVCC implemented Brainware to scan and conduct transcript evaluations with ICR.
Key Features and Benefits
The Access and Content Management team develops and maintains the entry and storage of archived documents used by colleges and universities.
Key functions
Easy to Use.
Robust workflow tool that allows for automating business processes.
Several methods for capturing documents.
Customizable annotations.
Web version that can do almost everything the thick client can do.
HPC integrates with our PeopleSoft systems to store documents and information for students and staff. Additionally, it integrates with AssureSign (our eSignature module). NVCC also integrates a HPC module system called Brainware.
Getting Started
You can request a new setup in the document management system by opening a Request Service ticket located on the top-right of this page.
Getting Help
You can request help with the document management system by opening a Request Service ticket located on the top-right of this page.
Related Services and Links
HPC integrates with our PeopleSoft systems to store documents and information for students and staff. Additionally, it integrates with AssureSign (our eSignature module). NVCC also integrates a HPC module system called Brainware. Brainware provides Intelligent Capture Technology, NVCC is currently in the early stages of building this technology to automate transfer credits from transcript to SIS (Fall 2020).
Metrics and Statistics
The document management system supports records, admissions, human resources, and financial aid at the 23 colleges and system office.
The document management system is available 24/7 with the exception of our maintenance hours.
VCCS Documentation
Emails are sent out using the Document Management Services POC's dlist. You can request to be added to that dlist by opening a Request Service ticket located on the top-right of this page.
There is also a quarterly User Group meeting. The invitation for those meetings are sent out to the dlist mentioned above.
Other Instances
Business Owner
Nicole Stewart
Assistant Vice Chancellor of IT, ITS
Technical Owner
Michelle Atkinson
Management Specialist, ITS