SIS: Buffer Error

The following are suggested solutions in resolving the "No Matching Buffer Found" error:

1)Check that ALL terms are term activated for user - missing term activation record results in orphaned enrollment data.

2)Operator should not cancel the page to 'exit' after they have hit the drop-down for emplid and they do not want to wait until the data is returned. Care should be taken to NOT cancel the page but to just WAIT for search results to return.

3)Invalid key data exists in any table: example - SA_REPORT_RSLT table. A SQL program must be run by ITS to delete bad rows.

4)If extraneous rows need to be deleted: example - Need to delete extra row for PHI 101 and SOC 245 class. Data can then be brought up via panels. Need to clean up course catalog, class associations and class table data for these two subjects.

5)PS can NOT handle multiple changes: example - Row existed in PS_CLASS_INSTR table for section 95, it had not been correctly deleted when the 'class table' row for section 95 was deleted. This was due to other component changes that were being made at the same time.

6)Occasionally when student adds a billing address via web payment you will recieve the buffer error and you must insert the correct row into appropriate table using SQL: example - missing row in parent table PS_PERS_ADDR_TYPES for their BILL address.

7)Student missing parent record in a table for a particular row: : example - Student was missing parent record in PS_PERS_ADDR_TYPES table for their BILL PS_ADDRESSES row (known bug in software). Use SQL to insert row into table: example of the SQL statement used can be seen in Issue # 64539.

8)Check for missing parental row in table: example - PS_STDNT_CAREER table for CNED career.

9)Sometimes when students add BILL addresses via Make a Payment, the PS logic correctly inserts data into PS_ADDRESSES but then neglects to insert the parental row in PS_ADDRESS_TYPE. This is occurring randomly in V8. Can only be fixed by Systems Analyst with ITS.

10)ITS staff runs PL/SQL program to correct 692 PS_ADDRESS/PS_ADDRESS_TYPE discrepancies: example - if student is being kicked out of AKT reports because of the Bill address problem or if you receive “No match buffer error” when accessing Address Maintenance

11)SF Institution Set table setup needs to have the "Update Address Data" checkbox unchecked. In addition there should be no reference to Address Type. Any other setup configuration may force the billing address row to be inserted into the Addresses table and probably because of an underlying PS bug, a matching row may NOT be inserted as it should be in the Address Type table. If this occurs, ITS will need to run a SQL program to correct all the current buffer problems by inserting a matching row in the address type table.

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Article ID: 1569
Tue 5/20/14 2:38 PM
Tue 9/17/24 3:44 PM