
You can also email us at the usual HRTeams email address, but this is a new, even more convenient way to let us know someone is planning to go.

You may submit this form as the employee or as the supervisor. 

If you are not logged in, the form will still function, but not all the fields will be shown, and it will take us longer to process your request. 

Tell HR about an Employee Separation

Related Articles (2)

Employees will notify their direct supervisor when separating employment from Laurel Ridge. Separations may include but are not limited to retirement, resignation, contract end, etc.
Supervisors will notify HR of an employee separation by submitting a ticket and uploading the written resignation or retirement notice within one (1) business day of receipt.


Service ID: 54392
Wed 7/3/24 9:48 AM
Wed 8/7/24 11:29 AM

Service Offerings (1)

Tell HR About an Offboarding
Efficient, semi-automated form for telling HR about an employee separation