HCM: Profile Management for Employees

Use the Profile Management functionality to view your existing profiles and create new ones. Using this functionality, you can maintain the following profile items –

  • Qualifications
    • Honors and Awards
    • Language Skills
    • Licenses and Certifications
    • Memberships
    • Committee
  • Education
  • Professional Development
    • Conference
    • Job Specific Training
    • Non-Credit Class
    • Seminar
    • Software Course
    • Workshop

There are two main tiles delivered to support Profile Management functionality for employees –

  • Talent Profile
  • Profile Approval History

Talent Profile

Use this functionality to update your profile and submit it for approval to your manager. You can also attach up to 5 supporting documents to each of the profile items.

NAVIGATION: Employee Home > Talent Profile

  1. Click on the Talent Profile tile from the Employee Home

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  1. Select a Profile Item.
    1. Honors and Awards is selected by default, but you can choose the profile item that you want to update by clicking on it. Click on the Add push button to add a new Honors and Awards.

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  1. Enter an effective date and select Honors and Awards from the list by clicking on the magnifying glass. Enter the Issue Date and provide any additional information you may have.

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  1. Click on Add Attachment to add a copy of the honor or award granted. You can also add any additional documentation.

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  1. Click on My Device to select a file.

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  1. Select a file to upload and click on Open. 

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  1. Click on Upload to have this file added to the profile item. Clicking on Clear will remove the file.

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  1. Once the file is loaded, you will see a message in the bottom right corner – Upload Complete.
  1. Click on Done to go back to the previous screen.

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  1. You will see the document that you have uploaded listed under Attachments.  You can delete the attachment if you wish to do so by clicking on the Delete Attachment push button.
  2. You can add more attachments by clicking on the + sign.
  1. Click on Continue in the upper right-hand corner.

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  1. Click on Submit for Approval to submit the qualification for approval to your manager. Managers can designate approval responsibility to another manager/employee when on leave. In that case, the request will be sent to the designee.

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  1. Add any comments for the manager and click on Submit.
    1. Once the Honors and Awards is submitted successfully, the status will change from New to Pending Approval. If you don’t have any other item to submit, you are done with this item.  Click on home to go back to Employee’s Home.

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  1. You can submit additional Honors and Awards by clicking on the + sign. You can also submit another Qualification, Education, or Professional Development by going through the above steps.

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Profile Approval History

Use this functionality to review the approval status of your profile items.  You cannot update any information via this functionality.

NAVIGATION: Employee Home>Profile Approval History

  1. Click on Profile Approval History to review the approval status of current and previous profile items.

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  1. You can limit the number of transactions displayed in the Approval Transactions grid by entering Search filters such as From and To Dates and Workflow Status (Approved, Denied, or Pending).  Click on Search if you change Search filters. 

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  1. Click on your name on the transaction to see approval details.

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the manager or manager’s desginee name will be listed under Approval Routing.

  1. Click on the item listed under Honor and Award to see more details on that item.

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  1. Click Cancel to go back to the previous page or click on the upper right corner to go to Employee’s Home.

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Article ID: 151387
Wed 5/15/24 2:09 PM
Wed 9/18/24 2:45 PM