HCM: Profile Management for Managers & Delegates

Profile Management functionality enables you to view and approve your team’s person profile. You can also view any supporting documents attached to the profile.

The following profile items can be submitted by employees for your approval - 

  • Qualifications
    • Honors and Awards
    • Language Skills
    • Licenses and Certifications
    • Memberships
    • Committee
  • Education
  • Professional Development
    • Conference
    • Job Specific Training
    • Non-Credit Class
    • Seminar
    • Software Course
    • Workshop

There are two main tiles delivered to support Profile Management functionality for Managers –

  • Team Talent Profile
  • Approvals



Team Talent Profile

Use this functionality to view approved profiles and associated attachments for your team members.

NAVIGATION: Manager Home > Team Talent Profile

  1. Click on the Team Talent Profile tile from the Manager Home

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  1. Select a team member.

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  1. Honors and Awards is selected by default, but you can choose the profile item that you want to view by clicking on it.

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  1. Select the item.

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  1. You can see the details of the item. You can also see attachments if they are added to the item.

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Use this functionality to approve profile items submitted by your team for your review and approval.

NAVIGATION: Manager Home> Approvals

  1. Click on Approvals to review the transactions pending your approval.

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  1. Click on Person Profile to limit transactions related to person profile only.

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  1. Click on the transaction that you want to approve.

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  1. Click on the transaction if you wish to see more details.

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  1. You can also review the attachment by clicking on the attachment

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  1. Click on the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the details page and go back to the approval page.

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  1. Click on the Approve push button to approve the transaction.

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  1. Approver comments are optional. Add comments, as needed, and click on Submit to approve the transaction.

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  1. After the transaction is approved you will be sent back to the Pending Approvals screen.  You are done with the approval of the transaction at this step.
  2. You can click on other transactions that are pending approval and go through the approval process.  
  1. Click on Deny to deny the transaction and send it back to the employee.

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  1. Provide a detailed reason for denial in the Approver Comments and click on Submit.

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Delegation Functionality for Managers

Delegation functionality enables you to delegate your approval responsibility to one or more managers.  This could be a temporary transfer of responsibility or a permanent basis.  Once the designated manager accepts your delegation request, the system will forward approval requests from your direct reports to that manager.  The designated manager will be able to approve or deny those transactions on your behalf. 

The delegation functionality is available for Approval of Person Profile transactions only but may be extended to other transactions in the future.

Note: As such the system allows you to delegate your responsibility to someone who is not a manager but in that case, you will have to work with the appropriate departments to get that employee special security permission otherwise that employee will not be able to approve transactions on your behalf.

There are three main tiles delivered to support delegation functionality that are accessible from the Manager Home under the Delegation Title -

  • Create Delegation Request
    • Use this tile to initiate a delegation request.
  • My Delegates
    • Use this tile to view all of your delegated requests and their current status such as Active, Submitted, Accepted, Rejected, Revoked, and Ended.  You can also revoke a request from this tile.
  • My Delegated Authorities
    • Use this tile to view the status of requests that are delegated to you by other managers.  You can also accept or reject a delegation request sent to you.


Functionality for Delegating Manager

Delegate approval responsibility

Follow these steps to delegate a transaction approval responsibility to another manager -

1. Navigate to Manager Home

Click on Manager Home from the drop-down menu.

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2. Click on Delegations tile

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3. Click on Create Delegation Request tile

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4. Enter Delegation Dates

Enter the Start Date, End Date, and Comment, and click on Next.  The End Date is not required but leaving it blank means the delegation is permanent.  Having an End Date will stop sending transactions to the designee after the end date.

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5. Select Delegates

Select one or more delegates from the list of peers and direct reports and click on Next.

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Alternatively, you can add a delegate who is not on the list by clicking on the Add Delagtes and then selecting the Used ID of the delegate.  You need to ensure that the delegate is a manager else you have to work with the appropriate department to get the required access to the selected delegate.

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6. Select Transactions to delegate

Select the transaction(s) to delegate and click on Next.

Note: There is only one transaction allowed for delegation which is the Approval of the Person profile currently.  In the future initiation and approval of other transactions will be added.

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7. Review and submit the request

Review the delegation request and click on the Submit.  If you wish to make any changes, click on the Previous push button.  An email will be sent to the designated manager who has to accept the request for assuming responsibility.

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Review the Status of the Request

Once a request is submitted you can review the status of the request and also revoke the request if needed.

1. Click on My Delegates

Click on the My Delegates tile and review the status of your request.

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2. Click on the Appropriate tab

Click on the appropriate tab to view the requests that are Accepted, Rejected, Revoked, Submitted, or Ended.

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Revoke an Existing Request

You can revoke an existing request by navigating to My Delegates and selecting a transaction.

1. Select a transaction

Select a transaction to revoke and click on the Revoke push button.

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2. Click on Yes on the prompt

Click on Yes on the prompt to revoke the transaction.  Revoke a transaction when your Delegate can no longer approve transactions on your behalf.  This could be either due to your job change, the delegates’ job change, or some other situation requiring you to revoke the request.

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Functionality for Designee

You will receive an approval request when someone sends a delegation request.  You have an option to either accept or reject the request.  You can assume the approval responsibility for the given transaction from the delegating manager by accepting the request. 

There are two ways you can accept the request –

  1.  Using the Approval tile by approving the request
  2. Using My Delegated Authorities under the Delegation tile

Accept Request - Using Approval Tile

1. Navigate to Manager Home

Click on Manager Home from the drop-down menu.

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2. Click on Approvals tile

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3. Click on Transaction

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4. Click on Approve

Click on the Approve push button to accept the request.  You can also deny the request on this page if you are not able to assume the approval responsibility from the delegating manager.

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Accept Request – Using My Delegated Authorities

You can accept a request using this alternate method.

1. Navigate to Manager Home

Click on Manager Home from the drop-down menu.

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2. Click on Delegations tile

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3. Click on My Delegated Authorities tile

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4. Select a Transaction

Select a transaction and click on Accept.  You can also reject the request by clicking on the Reject push button.

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5. Click on Yes

Click on yes to accept the transaction.  An email will be sent to the delegating manager to confirm that the request has been accepted. 

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Article ID: 151388
Wed 5/15/24 2:23 PM
Wed 9/18/24 2:39 PM