To share with TeamDynamix (TDX) Client Portal admins how to add knowledge shortcuts from the System Office enterprise knowledge base. These articles will appear to end users as your own articles in your portal.
Before Getting Started
This article is specifically for system office knowledge articles. We highly recommend speaking to college teams if you plan to use one of their articles as a shortcut.
You are a client portal administrator within your TDX application. You have the portal name and article name of the knowledge article you want to create a shortcut from. You know the knowledge category you want the shortcut to be nestled under in your portal.
Once you are in your Client Portal, click on the tab Knowledge Base.
Navigate to the category where you want to add the Knowledge Article Shortcut. This will only help you capture the name of the category before adding it, you will select the category in the next step.
Click on + New Shortcut.
Make sure Article is selected in the Shortcut Type.
The Target Client Portal is the one you are creating the shortcut from, for this example it is the SO Client Portal.
The Target is the name of the article you are creating the shortcut for.
The Parent Category is the name of the category in your Client Portal you want the shortcut to be.
You have the option to order this how you want and/or Pin the shortcut in the category, making it rise to the top.