
Canvas has been our learning management system (LMS) since Summer 2019, and is the primary tool used to manage online content and activities for classes. This includes discussions, online testing, grade books and the management of assignments.

The company that both creates and runs Canvas in the cloud is called Instructure

Over the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 semesters, VCCS, our colleges, and Instructure worked closely together to migrate the VCCS to Canvas from Blackboard, and we went live in Summer 2019.

Key Features and Benefits


Canvas allows for delegated administration of functions so that college staff can customize functions, tools and branding, administering only their courses and data, without needing the involvement of system level staff. The primary mechanism is a feature called Sub-Accounts.

SIS Integration

There is an SIS integration API which the VCCS takes advantage of in order to align enrollments, users, and affiliations with data in our Student Information System. Colleges have an interface to manage this.

External Integrations

Using IMS (particularly LTI) and other standards, Canvas can be extended to integrate with publisher materials and other third-party and cloud services, and has a full API that aligns with end-user permissions.

Getting Started

Canvas is available to all faculty, staff and current students via My VCCS and directly at Your MyVCCS username and password are used to log in via single sign-on.

Getting Help 

The VCCS has contracted with Instructure to provide front-line 24x7 support for faculty, staff and students. This is available within the interface under the Help menu. Canvas itself also provides extensive online materials on the Canvas Community Site, which is an active resource for both staff and faculty.

Related Services and Links

Canvas integrates with SIS, with external services like publishers and other third-parties via LTI, and last but not least, depends on MyVCCS for end user access. In general identity and course information is maintained in SIS/HR and reflected in Canvas.

Metrics and Statistics

The Canvas service supports many tens of thousands of users each day, generating tens of millions of hits each day. Statistical data on usage is being generated for colleges and shared through the eLearning and Educational Technology committee, and significant reporting functions are available in the product itself. We also generate data via Google Analytics and are working on presenting data in VCCS Analytics (QUINN).


Canvas is available 24/7. Status can be monitored and reviewed at

VCCS Documentation 


We use this Canvas Course for general discussion and there are some mailing lists specifically for Canvas Administrators documented there too.

Other Instances

  • Canvas Test is a clone of our production instance that is mostly used to test changes before implementing them in production. It is cloned every month from production on a Saturday.  More details.
  • Canvas Beta is a more experimental installation, where we can evaluate features under development, and test our own changes. It is cloned from production every Saturday. More details.
  • Refresh Schedule


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Fri 2/25/22 8:53 AM
Tue 3/28/23 2:44 PM