Showing/Hiding Canvas Courses

Key Points:

  • Courses can only be shown or hidden in Canvas for non-administrators (this includes students and most faculty and staff).  They cannot delete them outright.
  • The VCCS administrators will remove old Canvas courses according to their own designated timetable.


  1. In Canvas, click Courses in the left navigation panel.

    Courses Option - Canvas Navigation Panel
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of courses and click All Courses.  A list of all courses in which you are enrolled appears.

    All Courses Option - Canvas
  3. Click the stars next to the courses to select which ones you'd like to view in your Canvas dashboard, and which ones to hide.  Selecting a star until it's orange means it will be displayed; selecting a star until it's white means it won't be displayed (i.e., it will be hidden from view).

    Courses Shown/Hidden - Canvas
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