Efficient, semi-automated form for telling HR about an employee separation
Feel free to customize the name for the ticket, "Employee Offboarding" is the default title.
Feel free to add as much detail here as you like. Everything you tell us helps us route things efficiently. If you're not logged in the form loads differently, so if you don't see a line for "Employee this ticket is about" and "Offboarding Employee's primary supervisor", do tell us that information before submitting the form.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.

Note: The supervisor of the departing employee should receive a notification about what to do next once the ticket for this starts processing. You can get started on the tasks early here:
• We have an offboarding form https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/X8KXT5W
• We have a fixed asset form https://forms.gle/8WTmkhD4qJBqgm3e9
• See also, this document which provides guidance for recognition of separating employees that are leaving voluntarily and favorably: Https://laurelridgeedu.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/HR/...

File attachments associated with the ticket.
Start Date
The start date indicates the date that the work on the ticket is to begin. If the ticket has estimated hours associated, the start date is the beginning of the resource allocation range.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code