FLSA Trainings

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In response to Simply the Best, the Human Resources department at Laurel Ridge is focused on enhancing organization culture while ensuring that the core elements - the 3 P’s (people, places, and processes) are prioritized. As part of our ongoing effort, the trainings below were created to provide guidance and support on the Department of Labor’s administration of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal regulation, and the college is required to maintain compliance. It aims to ensure employers appropriately pay non-exempt positions for hours worked more than 40 hours per week. The intention behind them is to ensure that the employees are treated fairly and given the protections they deserve. Implementing these regulations can be complex, as they have some implications for different groups of employees.

FLSA Essentials Training provides all employees with an overview of the purpose of the Fair Labor Standards Act and offers essential information for supporting this important federal regulation. Learning objectives:

  • Employees will understand the purpose of the FLSA and how it applies to their rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
  • Employees will be able to distinguish between exempt and nonexempt classifications, including criteria for each status, how they impact eligibility for overtime pay, and implications for workplace responsibilities.
  • Employees will learn how to identify potential FLSA concerns and the appropriate channels for reporting issues, to ensure fair and legal workplace practices.
  • Employees will be able to identify the key ways HR provides support, advocacy, and resources for the law. 

FLSA Training for Full-Time Employees provides all full-time employees and supervisors an overview of time sheets, leave requests, and the logistics of adhering to the FLSA. Learning objectives:

  • Explain the importance of timesheets and leave requests in tracking work hours, ensuring compliance, and processing payroll accurately.
  • Provide a process for addressing common concerns
  • Demonstrate how to accurately record work hours and how to recognize common errors
  • Utilize available job aids and resources
  • Follow step-by-step procedures to submit leave requests and verify approvals in the timekeeping system
  • Explain meal break policies
  • Define overtime eligibility and apply strategies for managing while with FLSA

FLSA Training for Part-time Employees provides all part-time employees and supervisors an overview of time sheets, ACA hours, and the logistics of adhering to the FLSA. Learning objectives:

  • Explain the importance of timesheets in tracking work hours, ensuring compliance, and processing payroll accurately.
  • Provide a process for addressing common concerns
  • Demonstrate how to accurately record work hours and how to recognize common errors
  • Utilize available job aids and resources
  • Follow step-by-step procedures to submit time and verify approvals in the timekeeping system
  • Explain meal break policies
  • Define overtime eligibility and apply strategies for coordinating with FLSA & the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Additional resources:

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Policy

Guidelines for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Policy

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Frequently Asked Questions


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