IT Infrastructure, Architecture, and Ongoing Operations Policy


Information Technology Infrastructure, Architecture, and Ongoing Operations Policy


NOTE:  The State Board approved policy is an attachment to this policy.  This is the draft revisions to the 2008 approved State Board Policy


Information Technology Infrastructure, Architecture, and Ongoing Operations Policy



Information Technology Infrastructure, Architecture, and Ongoing Operations Policy

Revision: 1.1
Effective: 20080918[RL1] [SL2] 
Contact: Chief Information Officer


It is critically important that the Virginia Community College System’s (VCCS) information technology (IT) infrastructure, architecture and ongoing operations support the mission of the institution.  To help ensure this need is met, decisions affecting these areas must reflect standards, guidelines and practices found to be effective in the higher education environment.  This policy establishes the nationally recognized codes of practice with which the VCCS aligns its IT infrastructure, architecture and ongoing operations.



The VCCS maintains a list of specific standards and guidelines that should influence decisions affecting key components of its IT infrastructure, architecture and operations.  These standards and guidelines align with higher education best practices and the Commonwealth of Virginia, appropriately tailored for the specific circumstances of the VCCS.  It is not the intent of this guidance to inhibit institutional endeavors that by their nature may require the use of cutting-edge technology not yet appropriate for normal use.  The overall guidance is descriptive rather than prescriptive to achieve flexibility where needed.  Some specific technologies are prescribed as necessary to ensure technical compatibility throughout the VCCS and to maximize the efficiencies of scale in procurement, support and staff training.  The ultimate goal is to create logical relationships between information technology resources and the mission of the VCCS and its units.


This policy applies to all VCCS information technology, whether owned and operated by the VCCS, or used for VCCS business through contractual arrangements.


An overview of the framework for infrastructure, architecture and ongoing operations, along with the standards and guidelines are posted at VCCS IT Guidelines and Procedures[RL3] .  When decisions are made regarding IT infrastructure, architecture and ongoing operations, the decision maker should consult this information for guidance.




The following is a sampling of higher education, Commonwealth of Virginia, and industry sources for IT best practices and evolving trends:

The Campus Cyberinfrastructure Working Group[SL4]  helps educational institutions develop institutional strategies and plan their resource deployment in this emerging and evolving technological landscape and helps their users harness and optimize the power and capabilities of new integrated IT tools and systems for educational and research applications in higher education.

EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting[SL5]  the intelligent use of information technology.

Internet2 develops and deploys advanced network applications and technologies for research and higher[SL6]  education, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet.

[RL7] The Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council is a non-profit association of colleges and universities; professional and commercial organizations; data, software and service providers; and state and federal government agencies.

Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) publishes Information Technology Resource Management Policies, Standards and Guidelines[RL8]  for agencies within the Commonwealth.  These documents comply with existing state and federal code requirements as well as industry best practices.

Gartner, Inc.[RL9]  is a respected information technology research and advisory company that provides independent analysis and recommendations for CIOs and senior IT leaders throughout the world.


Chapter 945 of the 2005 Session of the General Assembly provided for a significant restructuring of operational authority for Virginia’s institutions of higher education (the 2005 Restructuring Act).  Additionally, the 2005 Restructuring Act permits Level 1 institutions to enter into a Level 2 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Administration in one or more operational areas.  Legislation approved in the 2008 legislative session established eligibility criteria for an institution to be granted additional operational authority in a minimum of two, but not all three, of the following areas:  information technology, procurement, and capital outlay.  At the May 2008 meeting of the State Board, a resolution was passed indicating that the Virginia Community College System is qualified to be, and should be governed by memoranda of understanding in the areas of capital outlay and information technology, and that authority was provided by the Board to the Chancellor to move forward on activities designed to secure Level 2 authority in the areas of Information Technology and Capital Outlay.

The policy statements indicate that the Virginia Community College System has adopted procedures and policies that are in line with existing state and federal code requirements as well as industry best practices appropriately tailored for higher education.


The VCCS State Board adopted the proposed Information Technology policy statements in the areas of accessibility; infrastructure, architecture and operations; project management; and security to fully comply with §2.0 and §5.0 of Chapter 824, 829 of the 2008 Acts of Assembly.


Donna VanCleave[SL10] 

Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services

Virginia Community College System



Mr. James Davis

Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Services

Virginia Community College System

(804) 819-4995










List of Changes


Next Review




Updated links, Responsible Staff

 [RL11] [SL12] ?????
























Document Review



























Final Approval


























 [RL1]New date required


 [SL2]Will need to update the footers in this document as well 9/2/2020

 [RL3]I will add hyperlink once the proper location for this document has been determined.

 [SL4]Link was not working – updated link 9/2/2020

 [SL5]Added link to Educause Home page 9/2/2020

 [SL6]Link was missing – added link to Internet2 9/2/2020

 [RL7]National LanbdaRail ceased operations in March 2014

 [RL8]This includes hyperlink to these documents

 [RL9]This includes hyperlink to

 [SL10]Need to remove Donna and James from this area.  Not sure who should be listed now – Mike Russell as CIO and Craig Herndon as Sr VC for Administration, Finance, and Technology? 9/2/2020

 [RL11]Should I put myself as reviewer?  Mike?  James?

Once changes are finalized I will document them.

 [SL12]Need to update this section with whatever changes we agree upon and who the reviewer is.  9/2/2020



Article ID: 116349
Wed 9/16/20 6:18 PM
Wed 9/18/24 9:08 AM

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