IT Project Management Policy

NOTE:  The State Board approved policy is an attachment to this policy.  This is the draft revisions to the 2008 approved State Board Policy


Information Technology Project Management Policy



Information Technology Project Management Policy

Revision: 2.0
Effective: 201707XX
Contact: Chief Information Security Officer[YM1] [SL2] 


The Virginia Community College System (VCCS) is committed to continuously improving the delivery of information technology (IT) solutions within budget, on schedule, within scope and in such a way as to best contribute to accomplishing the VCCS’s strategic mission.  This policy furthers that goal by establishing the common and consistent application of project management best practices in the management of IT projects.  A uniform project management framework promotes consistency and better control of IT projects, thereby reducing risks and increasing project successes.



Information technology projects are managed in accordance with best practices promoted by the nationally recognized Project Management Institute (PMI), appropriately tailored to the specific circumstances of the VCCS.  For example, project managers possess professional credentials and/or an appropriate level of project management training or experience.  Projects that engage leading IT consulting or software development firms to assist with project management may apply additional best practices provided by these firms.


Methods used for project auditing, such as Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), are aligned with industry best practices, consultant expert guidelines, and known industry accepted standards such as Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Standard 1012-2016 for Software Verification and Validation, International Standards Organization (ISO) 9000-2000 series, and Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model (SEI-CMM).  These methods are tailored to the Higher Education environment by internal departments and in coordination with consultants as warranted.


Exclusions:  The scope of this policy does not extend to instructional programs or research projects or research initiatives. 


An overview of the VCCS’s IT Project Management Framework[YM3] , along with procedures, templates, and tools is posted at:  VCCS IT Project Management Guidelines.  The VCCS also incorporates best practices documented by the Virginia Information Technology Agency:  Commonwealth of Virginia Project Management Standards.


IT Project:  A project having as its primary purpose the creation of a unique information technology product or service.  Research projects, research initiatives and instructional programs are not included in the scope of this policy.

PMI:  Project Management Institute

Project:  A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result (PMBOK Guide, 5th edition).

Project Management:  The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to mitigate risk, control budget and manage scope of tasks.


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 1012-2016 for Software Verification and Validation – Software Verification and Validation (V&V) processes determine whether the development products of a given activity conform to the requirements of that activity and whether the software satisfies its intended use and user needs.  Software V&V processes includes analysis, evaluation, review, inspection, assessment, and testing of software products.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) – Quality Management Principals (ISO 9000:2015) – ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system for any organization that needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products that meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements and aims to enhance customer satisfaction.

Project Management Institute – The world’s leading not-for-profit professional association in the area of project management.

Project Management Institute.  A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition[YM4] [SL5] .

Software Engineering Institute – Capability Maturity Model Integration (SEI-CMMI) – The CMM outlines the methods to obtain software process maturity.  Several levels of maturity can be reached as an organization’s software project management evolves from that of chaotic non-repeatable performances to repeatable mature disciplined software processes.  The model focuses on key attributes of each improved maturity level and provides guidance on the best practices used to achieve each level.  The goal is to reach an efficient and disciplined approach to software management.


Chapter 945 of the 2005 Session of the General Assembly provided for a significant restructuring of operational authority for Virginia’s institutions of higher education (the 2005 Restructuring Act).  Additionally, the 2005 Restructuring Act permits Level 1 institutions to enter into a Level 2 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Administration in one or more operational areas.  Legislation approved in the 2008 legislative session established eligibility criteria for an institution to be granted additional operational authority in a minimum of two, but not all three, of the following areas:  information technology, procurement, and capital outlay.  At the May 2008 meeting of the State Board, a resolution was passed indicating that the Virginia Community College System is qualified to be, and should be governed by memoranda of understanding in the areas of capital outlay and information technology, and that authority was provided by the Board to the Chancellor to move forward on activities designed to secure Level 2 authority in the areas of Information Technology and Capital Outlay.

The policy statements indicate that the Virginia Community College System has adopted procedures and policies that are in line with existing state and federal code requirements as well as industry best practices appropriately tailored for higher education.


The VCCS State Board adopted the proposed Information Technology policy statements in the areas of accessibility; infrastructure, architecture and operations; project management; and security to fully comply with §2.0 and §5.0 of Chapter 824, 829 of the 2008 Acts of Assembly.


Ms. Donna VanCleave

Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services

Virginia Community College System

(804) 819-4695[YM6] [SL7] 



Mr. James E. Davis

Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Services

Virginia Community College System

(804) 819-4995










List of Changes


Next Review





























Document Review



























Final Approval


























 [YM1]Is the CISO the appropriate point of contact for this policy?

 [SL2]I think the Contact Title should be changed  9/2/2020

 [YM3]Our framework is identified in the PM Standard and the PM Guideline, both of which require authentication to Buzz. 


Should we instead just state the following and remove hyperlinks to our VCCS PM standard and guideline documents?


An overview of the VCCS’ IT Project Management Framework, procedures, templates, and tools are posted on the VCCS SharePoint Project Management Office site.   The VCCS also incorporates best practices documented by the Virginia Information Technology Agency’s Commonwealth of Virginia Project Management Standard.

 [YM4] [YM4]The next edition of the PMBOK will be released in the first quarter of 2018. 


 [SL5]Found that the Sixth Edition was released in 2017 so changed the Fifth Edition to Sixth 9/2/2020

 [YM6]Since email addresses are listed, I have also added the corresponding names. 

 [SL7]Need to remove Donna and James and replace them with Mike as the CIO and Craig as Sr VC of Administration, Finance, and Technology. 9/2/2020

 [SL8]Will need to update information for the revision that were done to links  9/2/2020

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Article ID: 116351
Wed 9/16/20 7:07 PM
Wed 9/18/24 8:43 AM

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