Onboarding and updating users
The People Import process should create new client accounts as people become staff and students (if the college wants student users). This is determined by updates to user accounts in EAD and is runover night.
Users will also be created automatically by logging into the TeamDynamix SO Portal and be given Client and SO Portal access. This is Self-Registration and assigns SO Portal access. May want to look at assigning College portal if available in their individual profiles.
Admin>Security tab>Configure SSO
Determines what vaules are populated in the account attributes
Admin>Organization Settings>Self-Registration
Profiles to determine who gets created and what Portal Security Role they are given.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t function when the user already has an account via People Import. i.e. They have a college-specific portal access. Since they now have an account.
You will then get requests to give users access to the SO Client portal to open tickets. If they are Staff or Instructors, give Client Role access.
You may also get requests for users who are getting access denied when trying to access Service Requests. They probably have the KB Only Role. You can apply the Client role per request.
Contractors need to be added to TD manually because they are not a part of the People Import. You can get the information to create a user from their account in myVCCS. I just use another TD account as a template.
Most users are Clients.
Convert a Client to Technician
SO ITS Staff get technician license automatically.
SO Staff onboard. Check SOSEC001 for Technician Request. Verify what group access. Generally from an existing account.
To give Technician license.
On the General page, assign Technician Security Role. We’re deprecating Technician Non-IT. They’re pretty much the same. The other Security Roles are special cases.
On Applications, assign:
My Work
SO Client Portal
If they’re ITS, give Technician Role, other SO staff give Client. I suggest giving all college Technicians SO Client portal access.
Ticketing Apps
Give Technician for requested app SO or College specific. Some college apps only have App Admin. Should probably review these. Will need to create Roles in any new College ticketing apps. College App Admin roles are for users in implementation. If they need to have Admin access, check the App Admin box. These are all by request. The App Admin box gives Admin access for that App only. Access by being in the App tab, and then clicking the Gear icon > Admin.
College portals
Give college IT Technicians Technician Role for their portal. Everyone else should get Default Security Role unless they have elevated permission for creating KB articles, editing Services. App Admin gives access to update their portal and modules. Admin access by clicking on their name when signed in the portal.
Any account update changes require user to log out and back in to see the changes.
Technicians also get TDNext and Workspaces. TDNext grants access to some other things other than TDNext that Technicians use that is not intuitively related to TDNext. Don’t remember what off hand.
Other Security Roles on the General page
Give to SO ITS TD administrators. This gives a lot of access. But if they are to have access to the Admin pages. They need to be added as an Admin on the Admin Home page on the Administrators tab. They can then access the Admin pages with no other permissions. But can be granted extra permissions here.
Client - Security Officer
Has additional permission than standard Client. View all requests belonging to assigned accts/depts. This gives them the ability to see all college submitted tickets. This role is assigned by request only. Approval given by college ISO. Apply Client - Security Officer role and add all colleges to their Accts/Depts. Do not include SO or SSC. See this ticket: Service Request Detail - 18839295: Ticket Access
College ITSM Technician
Has additional permissions than standard Technician. Modify My Managed Groups, Move Tickets to Unassigned Applications Needs People Application for Modify My Managed Groups permission.
College ITSM Technician with college ticket access
Has additional permission than College ITSM Technician. View all requests belonging to assigned accts/depts. Same as Client - Security Officer above. Add all colleges to their Accts/Depts. Do not include SO or SSC. This is generally applied when promoting Client - Security Officer role to Technician.
College ITSM Technician/Project Manager
Has additional permissions than College ITSM Technician to assist with Project Management when assigned as a Project Manager. To see if they can function as a Project Manager without having an Enterprise License. Add Named Resources to Role Forecasts, Delete Tasks, Edit Plans, Update Tasks.
College ITSM Technician/Project Manager with college ticket access
With View all requests belonging to assigned accts/depts permission.
Technician - non IT
Should review. Was under the impression it was the same as Technician. One difference, It doesn't have
Allows a user to view the list of all Ticket Types or Project Types in the Type lookup fields (i.e. on a ticket or project). If a user does not have this permission, the user will only be able to view data associated with the Type values assigned to their user profile. It is possible to limit the Type values a user has access to in an effort to limit the creation (and in some cases the viewing) of particular types of work.
This may be able to be used as a separation of different departments within a Ticketing App. Though I'm not seeing how to assign Types to a user.