TDX: Inquiring Status of Tickets Not Modified for More Than 30 Days


This is generally used in a help desk situation or in the VCCS System Office ITS setting for student workers with appropriate technician and desktop access.


From the "Student Technician (Ticketing)" desktop, select a ticket from the "Tickets not Modified >30 Days" report. 

Click on Update, in the upper right corner.  

From the Update page, only select the status if it is blank and match it to exactly what is being shown in the upper right corner. In the example shown below, you would select "Investigating" from the status options because it is blank (highlighted in yellow) to match the Investigating status in Red in the Upper Right Corner (circled in blue).

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

click on the Templates menu


Select the template "Ticket Maintenance > Not Modified Ticket"

Under Notify Others, add Sheridan Jones and Michael Morrison.

Click on Save, and exit out of the ticket


If a user responses asking to have the ticket be put "On Hold" You'll want to respond with the below template: "On Hold Choices"

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)