TDX: How to Add Services Under Categories in the Service Catalog


You are a TeamDynamix Application Admin for your client portal.

How to

  1. Proceed to your college’s Client Portal.
  2. From the portal, click on Services:                                                                                                   Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Click on Categories:                                                                                                                        Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. Click on the Category that you will be working on                                                                        Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  5. Click on New Service to add your service                                                                                       Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  6. Begin filling out the new service information
    1. Name – the name of the service from the workbook
    2. Short Description – try to keep this short and within 2-3 sentences.
    3. Long Description (Example below)
      1. Overview: A quick overview of the service, can be from the short description
      2. Features & Benefits: bullet points of high-level information about the service
      3. Help & Support: Provide need-to-know information on how to get support, and provide information on the service offerings and forms if it is appropriate                                                                     Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) 
    4. Order – keep at “0” for alphabetical order
    5. Manager – Who is going to be held accountable for tickets incoming?
    6. Request Application – Your college’s ticketing application  (might be by business unit, like IT, HR, facilities, etc.)
    7. Request Type – just type the category name and choose the appropriate category
    8. Request Service Text – this is the service offering button, we recommend a standardization of these buttons                                                                              Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) 
    9. Make sure Notify Response Resource has a blue check mark
    10. Click Save                                                                                                                  
    11. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    12. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)