HCM: How to Use Cancel Absence Request


You have the HCM 9.2 employee self-service page, with the cancel absence request permissions.


  1. From the HCM Self Service Page, click on the “My Time” square.                                                                                                                                                                            
  2. From the left menu bar, click on “Cancel Absences.”                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  3.   A list of the absences you can cancel will show up.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  1. Click on the absence you wish to cancel, and it will provide details and a Cancel Absence button on a new screen.                                                                                                


  1. Once you have clicked on Cancel Absence, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to cancel the absence. Make your selection.                                                                          


  1. The next page is a confirmation page that you have successfully canceled your absence. Look at the “Status” for that confirmation.                                                                   


To resubmit an absence request that was cancelled: go to the View Requests page, find and click on the Cancelled request,  then update and resubmit from that page. 


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Article ID: 140337
Thu 6/30/22 1:22 PM
Mon 9/16/24 9:47 AM