Eduroam: Worldwide Wi-Fi Roaming Service

The Virginia Community College system has added a new wireless network called Eduroam. When you travel to other colleges and institutions you can connect to Eduroam for internet access.

All colleges and universities in Virginia have it, as do certain hospitals and museums. But that’s not all! There are thousands of participating Eduroam hotspots in the continental US as well as world-wide.

The goal of Eduroam is to allow you to travel from one institution to another without having to search for, and log onto guest networks. Take advantage of this convenience and setup Eduroam on your wireless device.

Should I replace my current college network access with Eduroam?

No. As long as Eduroam is configured on your device, you will experience the benefits when you are at other institutions. But it does not need to be your primary wi-fi connection.

How to connect to Eduroam

Download the GetEduroam app.

This is the simplest way, especially if you are using an Android device. The app can be installed and set up even if you are not on campus, and will guide you through the process of onboarding your device to connect to Eduroam. Download the app from the links below:

Once you’ve downloaded and installed the app, search for Virginia Community College System (not your local college!) in the organization list. Then simply follow the prompts.

Other ways to connect to Eduroam

To connect your device manually, follow the instructions for your device type below (you will need to be in an area where Eduroam is broadcasting). If you are experiencing issues, please contact your local college IT department for assistance.

Mac OS
iOS (iPhone / iPad)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can connect to Eduroam?

A: All faculty, staff, and students at VCCS colleges, plus employees of the System Office and Shared Services Center can connect. Guests from other participating institutions, which includes most colleges and universities, can connect on VCCS campuses using their home institution credentials.

Q: I've downloaded and installed the Geteduroam app. Why can't I can't find my college in the list?

A: Individual colleges are not listed in the app. Instead, search for Virginia Community College System.

Q: I'm having trouble connecting to Eduroam - what can I do?

A: First, make sure you are using your full address as your username. Second - have you recently updated your myVCCS password? If so you will need to update your device credentials. The process for this will vary depending on the device type, but in most cases you can simply "forget" the eduroam network, then reconnect using your new password. If you don't know how to do this, or you are sure your username and password are correct, and you still can't connect, contact your local college IT Help Desk.

Q: Why is it so important to use the full email address as my username?

A: The full email address is how Eduroam determines which institution your user ID is associated with. This is what ensures that users are able to connect everywhere Eduroam is advertised.

Q: Help! I can’t remember my VCCS password. How can I reset it?

A: Click here to reset your password. You may also retrieve your username if you have forgotten it.

Q: When I first connect to Eduroam, I am prompted to accept/install a certificate. Is this normal?

A: Yes, this is normal. However we highly recommend using the GetEduroam app - it will verify the certificate and ensure your device is configured correctly. If you’re unable to use the app, and you’re uncomfortable with accepting the certificate for any reason, please contact your local college IT and they can assist you.

Q: Will my device automatically connect to Eduroam once I’ve set it up?

A: Yes, in most cases your device should automatically connect to the Eduroam network when in range. If you need to connect manually, simply navigate to the wireless networks list on your device and select “eduroam.”

Q: I connected to Eduroam before March 2024 and its not working properly when I travel to other institutions that have Eduroam.

A: Recent changes have improved the connection process for Eduroam. If you set up Eduroam prior to March 2024 you should go into your network settings and “forget” the Eduroam network. Then follow the instructions to create your network access.

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