HRMS: Procedures for making customizations/modifications to HRMS

Team Dynamix will be used to initiate and track the steps involved in modifying HRMS configurations.  It contains the modification testing documents, it tracks the testing process, it contains the modification move instructions that are used by ITS as they make the mods in various HRMS instances.  It tracks the progress of the modification as it is ultimately moved through S90DEVL to S90TEST and into Production.


  • Create a ticket request describing the modifications that will be made using the Service Catalog - HRMS / Customizations & Split / Customization or Report - to obtain a PeopleSoft project number for your customization
  • Attach a test plan and results of testing in DEVL to the request
  • Attach Move documentation which describes the modifications that were made in DEVL
  • Choose move request from the drop down list on the request to move setup modifications from DEVL to TEST
  • ITS uses the Move information to create the modification in TEST
  • Users download the testing documentation and test the modification
  • Attach the test results to the ticket
  • Results are monitored
  • Add a comment to the ticket to request to move the modification to PRODUCTION
  • ITS uses the Move information to create the modification in PRODUCTION
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Article ID: 4552
Wed 4/1/15 3:08 PM
Tue 9/17/24 5:54 PM