myVCCS: Passwords

Initial Password

Students are shown their initial password at the end of the Online Application process.  They can also have this password sent to their phone via text or sent to an email address. This initial password currently expires after 30 days.

If a user forgets their password and has never logged in to myVCCS

If a user has forgotten or lost their initial password, they can use an Advanced Password Reset tool in myVCCS that will attempt to validate their identity using information stored in SIS. It will prompt them with known emails and phone numbers to send a reset notification. This password currently expires after 30 Minutes.  If this information is out of date or not in SIS, the student will need to contact the college help desk, which will follow their protocol for validating identity and will then perform an administrative password reset. This password currently expires after 24 hours.
How to reset myVCCS forgotten password

Password Expiration

Passwords set by users expire after 365 days (once per year). Users are prompted to change their expired passwords in the 15 days leading up to the expiration.

Password complexity

Passwords must be 14-100 characters long in myVCCS. In addition, passwords must meet complexity requirements.

Passwords must include at least three of the following four characteristics:

  • Minimum 1 lowercase letter
  • Minimum 1 number
  • Minimum 1 special character
  • Minimum 1 uppercase letter

Allowed characters:

  • Lowercase & uppercase letters (a-z, A-Z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Special characters (! @ # $ % & * ( ) _ + , ? . : -), including spaces

Do NOT use attribute(s):

  • Last Name
  • First Name
If you still have questions, please submit a ticket.