
TeamDynamix is an IT Service Management tool used by BRCC to track service requests, report incidents, track changes, and track assets. 

Key Features and Benefits



TeamDynamix is owned and administered by the VCCS. Technology Services manages BRCC Technology specific applications within the VCCS Team Dynamix instance. 

Key function

TeamDynamix is used to:

  • Track, request, and deliver services
  • Track and request system Changes
  • Track assets
  • Track incident reports


TeamDynamix populates data from SIS. In the future, more BRCC systems may be integrated with TeamDynamix

Getting Started

The TeamDynamix Portal, where you are now, is visible to the public. A VCCS login is required to submit a ticket. Facutly, Staff, and Students have the ability to submit a ticket. Technicians are those who have access to TDNext, which is the actual ticketing application. Each Service has Service Offerings, which are what users will actually request. While a Service may be managed by a specific group in Technology Services, Service Offerings, such as General Support, may be directed to the Help Desk for initial information gathering or troubleshooting. Please see the the Related Articles on the right side for more detailed TeamDynamix information. 

Services, Service Offerings, and Knowledge Articles can have different levels of visibility. Some may be restricted to certain user groups. Please be aware that what you see may not be what others see. 

Getting Help 

See the related articles on the right for technical information about TeamDynamix, as well as support and training articles. Use the buttons on the top right of the page to request support. Feature Requests and functionality change requests may be added at a later date. 

Related Services and Links

Buildings & Grounds, System Office Client Portal


System is available 24/7 

VCCS Documentation 


Service Owner
Ed Pease
CIO, Technology Services

Technical Owner
Benjamin Carnevale
Help Desk Supervisor, Technology Services
Request Support


Service ID: 54066
Mon 4/1/24 4:57 PM
Fri 4/12/24 10:36 AM
Service Visibility
Indicate who can see this service and it's service offerings.

Service Offerings (1)

TeamDynamix Support Request
Request support, training, or changes to the BRCC TeamDynamix Portal or TDNext application.