TDX: Tickets - Searching and Filtering


The purpose of this article is to provide information to TDX technicians about how to search tickets, filter searches, and create saved searches for quick use and Desktop integration

Intended Audience

TeamDyanmix users with Technician licenses


Original TDX Article Link


In this video you will learn how to use the ticketing application to search and filter tickets.

The left navigation menu of the ticketing application provides many standard filters and reports. These out of the box views allow you to see only tickets that meet certain criteria. If you click on the word Tickets itself, it will show you all tickets that are in the new, open, or on hold status class. We call this the tickets home base. Anyone with access to a ticketing application can see all of the tickets in that application, by clicking the ticket's home base.

There are ways to narrow down the list of tickets in the home base and show only tickets you're interested in. Some of these options includes filters and reports. Aside from the ticket's home base, the left navigation menu has other standard filters that display tickets that meet certain criteria.

Assigned To Me display tickets that you are listed as responsible for.

Depending on your role at the organization, you may also be assigned to tickets to review and approve. Awaiting My Review displays any tickets where you are listed as the reviewer. Reviewers are defined at the ticket type level by your organization's TeamDynamix administrators.

Some tickets have workflows associated with them. If the current step on the workflow is for you to approve something, it will show up in Awaiting My Approval. Note that you don't have to be responsible for the ticket in order for it to show up here, you only need to be responsible for an approval in the workflow.

Similarly, Awaiting Approval displays all tickets that are currently waiting for an approval on their workflow, regardless of who the approver is.

If you are looking for a specific subset of tickets that the standard filters don't provide, you can create your own custom filters. Let's click on the tickets home base to view all tickets again. Note that whenever you click on the tickets home base, it resets the view to the default, which shows all tickets that are in the New, Open, or On Hold status class.

In the top-right corner of the tickets application is a filter button. When you click on the filter button, a ticket filter appears with many filters you can chose from. You can use these filters to find various sets of tickets, from more general searches, to tickets with very specific criteria.

For example, imagine you're on the phone with someone who is asking about an existing ticket, using the ticket filter, you can enter the name of the caller in the Requestor field. This filters the list down to only tickets where the caller is listed as the requestor. Once you're happy with your filter criteria, we can click Apply at the top.

Remember that certain statuses are excluded by default. You may need to select additional statuses if you are looking for canceled or completed tickets.

Keep in mind if you have multiple filters selected, the filter will use an AND relationship, only showing you the tickets where all of the criteria are true. If you wanna see tickets using an OR relationship, where either one or the other criteria is true, you may need to create a custom report. We'll cover custom reports in a separate session.

If you anticipate having to re-filter on these criteria in the future, you can create a saved search.

After clicking Apply on the filter, you can click the Save Search button at the top of the search page results. You will be prompted to enter a name for your saved search.

If you would like to share the search with everyone else who uses the ticketing application, click Global. You will only be able to see the Global checkbox if you have certain permissions set up by your organizations TeamDynamix administrator.

Finally, hit Save. Any saved searches you created, and global saved searches, appear in the My Saved Searches drop-down at the top of the tickets home base. You can always click Edit My Searches to delete unused searches.

Now you know the basics of searching and filtering tickets and in TDNext. Open your ticketing application and start using filters and creating searches.

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