Respondus Monitor


About Respondus Monitor, an addon to Respondus Lockdown Browser


Respondus Monitor is a companion application for LockDown Browser.

What is Respondus Monitor?

Some institutions additionally license Respondus Monitor, a webcam feature for LockDown Browser that records students during online, non-proctored quizzes. When this feature is enabled for a quiz, students are required to use a webcam and microphone with LockDown Browser. After the quiz is complete, an instructor can review details of the assessment, and even view the recorded videos.

Using Respondus Monitor (Webcam Feature)

If your institution licenses Respondus Monitor (the webcam feature for LockDown Browser), additional settings will appear in the LockDown Browser Dashboard. Set the exam to require the use of LockDown Browser. Several options are then available for Proctoring. To require all students to use a webcam during the exam, select Require Respondus Monitor for this exam.

Next, select the items to be included in the Startup Sequence, which includes the steps a student must complete prior to the start of an exam. Most settings are optional. To give students the option to either take the exam with a webcam or in a proctored testing lab, select the proctored lab option under Advanced Settings for Respondus Monitor. A quiz password will then be required to access the test (the password should be given to the test proctor).

Reviewing Webcam Videos

If students were required to use the webcam feature (Respondus Monitor) with the quiz, instructors can access information about the quiz sessions and can review the recorded videos. Note that Respondus Monitor is intended to be a deterrent, so it’s up to the instructor to determine the level of review warranted.

To review student videos:

  1. Return to the LockDown Browser Dashboard in the Canvas course.
  2. From the context menu to the left of the quiz title, select Class Results.
  3. A roster of the students in the course is shown, along with the date, time, duration, review priority, and grade (if available) for the quiz.
  4. Click [ + ] to expand the section for a student. Details of the Startup Sequence and the exam session are shown in thumbnails. Click a thumbnail to view the video from the time indicated. Videos can be marked as reviewed or have comments added by the instructor.

There are upcoming training webinars on Respondus Monitors.



Article ID: 149762
Wed 2/21/24 9:44 AM
Thu 5/2/24 10:52 AM