Distribution Lists: Which To Use

Which distribution list to use:

#Adjunct: all Camp Adjuncts
#Admin: Administrators
#Classified: all Classified employees
#Faculty: Full-time faculty
#Franklin: all employees at the Franklin Campus
#Full-time: all Full-time employees
#PAC: President’s Advisory Council
#Staff: includes ALL employees EXCEPT adjuncts.
(If you wish to include adjuncts in your email, you will need to also include the #Adjunct distribution list)
#Suffolk: all employees at the Hobbs Campus
#Wage: all wage employees

Once you have selected the distribution you wish to use, note the top of your email message screen. It will tell you the group of people this email is going to. It is a good double check that you have selected the correct group.

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Article ID: 149758
Wed 2/21/24 9:39 AM
Thu 5/2/24 10:50 AM