Key Points:
- Ensure VPN connection is established on your computer.
- This list provides the meaning, origin and format of reporting data at Reynolds. These definitions give context for how the data is used in reports and dashboards.
This list provides the meaning, origin and format of reporting data at Reynolds. These definitions give context for how the data is used in reports and dashboards.
Credit granted by the Registrar's office due to external credentials (not academic coursework) such as a license or certification. (eg CPR). (Note: Another method of granting credit is via test scores, see defintion of "Able_Test_Credit"). Calculated from UNT_TRNSFR / PS_TRNS_OTHR_DTL; criteria: OTHR_CREDIT_TYPE IN ('CERT', 'CPR') and TRNSFR_STAT = 'P', Articulation_term = desired term.
Flag that denotes credits earned via CLEP, AP, or IB test scores, rather than academic coursework. (Note: Another method of granting credit is via licensure or certification, see definition of "Able_certification_credits"). Calculated from PS_STDNT_TEST_COMP; field:TEST_ID; criteria: (TEST_ID IN ('CLEP', 'AP') OR TEST_ID LIKE '%IB%').
Academic Program Plan (Primary)
Used to identify a single 'primary' academic program plan for students that may be simultaneously enrolled in multiple program plans, to avoid duplication/inflation of student counts for certain aggregate measures. To determine primary academic program plan, 1st sort by program plan with the 'highest' active academic degree, in this order: (1) AS/AAS (2) CERT (3) CSC, (4) other, and then choose the 'highest' one where the student hasn't received a degree in that plan in a previous term. Calculated from the academic plan (DESCR in the PS_ACAD_PLAN_TBL table) and and the degree type (DEGREE from PS_ACAD_PLAN_TBL; ACAD_PROG from PS_ACAD_PROG) based on the following heirarchy: 1: AA, AAA ,AS degrees, 2: CERTs, 3:CSCs, 4: Non-curricular, where the the student hasn't received a degree in that plan in a previous term. If there are two current active program plans that have the same academic degree level, use the most recent effective dated row that's active, and then the lowest plan sequence number to break the tie.
Academic Program Plan
The academic program plan or plans in which the student is enrolled in the specified semester. A student may be simultaneously enrolled in multiple program plans; see 'Academic Program Plan (Primary)' for a heirarchical calculation of a given student's primary program plan. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "DESCR" in the PS_ACAD_PLAN_TBL table.
Academic Program Plan Code
The alphanumeric code use in Peoplesoft SIS used to identify the academic program plan in which the student is enrolled in the specified semester. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ACAD_PLAN" in the PS_ACAD_PLAN_TBL table.
Academic Program Type
Indicator for whether the academic program is curricular (i.e. degree-seeking) or non-curricular. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ACAD_PROG" in the PS_ACAD_PLAN_TBL table.
The date that the Academic Program Plan record was added. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS PS_ACAD_PLAN; join to PS_ACAD_PROG on emplid, acad_career, stdnt_car_nbr, eff_seq; field: SCC_ROW_add_DTTM; criteria Institution=SR283.
Admission Semester
The semester for which the individual requested admissions at Reynolds. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ADMIT_TERM" in the PS_ADM_APPL_PROG table.
Advisee Count
The number of students that the advisor is assigned to advise, grouped by each academic program plan code. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ADVISEE_COUNT" in the PS_STDNT_ADVR_HIST table.
The Academic Program Plan Code that is assigned to the Academic Advisor. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ACAD_PLAN" in the PS_STDNT_ADVR_HIST table.
The the title of the academic program plan title that is assigned to the Academic Advisor. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "DESCR" in the PS_ACAD_PLAN_TBL table.
Advisor ID
Unique ID provided by VCCS through PeopleSoft SIS. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ADVISOR_ID" in the PS_STDNT_ADVR_HIST table.
Advisor Name
Full name of the Academic Advisor. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "NAME" in the PS_NAMES table.
Age Groups
Grouping of students by their age at the beginning of the semester (less than 18 years, 18 - 24 years, 25 - 40 years and over 41 years). Calculated from the BIRTHDATE from PS_PERSONAL_DATA table and TERM_BEGIN_DT from PS_TERM_TBL table.
Application Yield
The percentage of new students who enrolled in the same semester for which they requested admission to Reynolds. (See 'Entering Student' and 'Semester Entering Status' definitions). The data source is calculated as a percentage from the count of 'Entering Students' (Entering Student = YES when (join PS_STDNT_ENRL and PS_ADM_APPL_PROG on emplid and admit_term); field: enroll_status = E) divided by count of student applications where the 'Semester Entering Status' (First term of enrollment (min(strm) from PS_STDNT_ENRL) = current term then display admit type from PS_ADM_APPL_DATA; ADMIT_TYPE) is equal to "NEW".
Average GPA
Average GPA is the sum of all GPAs divided by the number of students with a GPA (either the number of students in a program or the overall number of students enrolled in the semester), depending on the view. Calculated from CUM_GPA from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM table.
Campus Location
The campus where the course is primarily offered with a facility assignment (i.e. classroom). Off campus and online courses are not held on a Reynolds campus. In reporting, this data element is called Campus_Location. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "LOCATION".
Class_Catalog Number
Number that is paired with the subject code to identify a specific class (e.g. ENG 111). In reporting, this data element is called Catalog_Number. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "CATALOG_NBR".
Class Credits
The number of credits that section of the course is worth that semester. In reporting, this data element is called Class_Credits. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "UNITS_ACAD_PROG".
Lists the semester(s) in which the student has enrolled in the indicated class. Calculation is determined by base student population joined to PS_STDNT_ENRL on emplid; field:strm, crse_grade_off ; criteria: acad_career=cred, stdnt_enrl_status=E; joined to PS_Class_tbl on class_nbr, acad_career,session_code, strm; field:desired class info.
Class ID
Identifies the class using subject, catalog number, and class section combined. In reporting, this data element is called Class_ID. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "SUBJECT ||CATALOG_NBR ||CLASS_SECTION".
Class Meeting Days
Days of the week that the section is offered. Asynchronous, online courses default display all days of the week. In reporting, this data element is called Class_Meeting_Days. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "CLASS_MTG_PAT ".
Class Meeting Times
Beginning and end time of the course. Asynchronous, online courses default display a 24 hour period (e.g. 4:01 AM - 4:02 AM). In reporting, this data element is called Class_Meeting_Times. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "MEETING_TIME_START".
Class Section
The number that identifies the particular section offering (based on day, time, place, and sometimes instructional mode) for the course. In reporting, this data element is called Class_Section. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "CLASS_SECTION".
Class Status
The scheduling status of that section of the course that semester. Status is either (1) cancelled (i.e. section of that course has been removed from the schedule), (2) closed (i.e. all seats of that section are filled), or (3) open (i.e. section of that course is open for registration). In reporting, this data element is called Class_Status. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ENRL_STAT".
Class Subject
Character course subject code, typically three characters long. In reporting, this data element is called Class_Subject. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "SUBJECT".
Class Title
Course name (i.e. title / description). In reporting, this data element is called Class_Title. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "DESCR from PS_CLASS_TBL".
Class Type
The type of the course. (i.e Lecture or Lab) In reporting, this data element is called Class_Type. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "SSR_COMPONENT".
School name for the class, respective to the current organization structure. Note: courses may historically have been under a different school. In reporting, this data element is called School_Name. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ACAD_ORG" from PS_CLASS_TBL.
Completion Rates
Based on the Achieving the Dream metric, students are sorted into four completion rate measures: Students earning 6 or more credits in their first semester; Students earning 12 or more credits in their first semester; Calculated from TOTAL_CUMULATIVE from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM table.
Course Audit Status
"Audited" indicates that the student has enrolled in the course as an audit student( earning an official grade of X) and will not earn academic credit for the class; "Not Audited" indicates that the student has enrolled in the course for academic credit. Calculated from CRSE_GRADE_OFF = 'X' from PS_STDNT_ENROLL table.
Course_FTES are the number of full-time equivalent enrollments in course. This is calculated as the number of enrollments in a course section in a given semester, times the number of credit hours of the course, divided by 15. For example if a course section had 10 enrollments and was worth three credits, it would be calculated as (10 * 3) / 15 = 2 FTES. (Note: this calculation is different than STUDENT_FTES, which is based on an individual student's total enrollment and credit hours, rather than the course's enrollment and credit hours.) Calculated from Calculated field: Multiply the course enrollment total (PS_CLASS_TBL ; field: ENRL_TOT; criteria: join to PS_CLASS_ASSOC on CRSE_ID; CRSE_OFFER_NBR; STRM; SESSION_CODE; associated_class ) by the course's credit hours (PS_CLASS_ASSOC; field: UNITS_ACAD_PROG ) and then divide the total by 15 .
Credential GPA
The student's cumulative GPA at the end of the semester in which they were awarded their degree credential. Calculated from Field: CUM_GPA from PS_ACAD_DEGR as of the Completion_term (graduation date) PS_ACAD_DEGR_PLAN joined to PS_ACAD_DEGR on EMPLID and STDNT_DEGR; Criteria: INSTITUTION = 'SR283', ACAD_DEGR_STATUS = 'A', ACAD_CAREER = 'CRED', COMPLETION_TERM = desired semester; PS_ACAD_DEGR joined to PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM on emplid, institution, and acad_career; criteria: max(strm) from PS_STUDENT_CAR_TERM equals the COMPLETION_TERM from PS_ACAD_DEGR.
Credential Type
The general degree type of the credential (e.g. AAS, AA will both be labelled 'Associates'). Calculated field from DEGREE from PS_ACAD_PLAN_TBL table.
Credential Load
The total number of credits in which a student is enrolled for the semester; can be used to determine full- or part-time status. Calculated field ACADEMIC_LOAD from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM table; as of the term end date.
The cumulative GPA for the selected semester - includes both coursework taken at Reynolds and transfer coursework. The data source is PeopleSoft field: CUM_GPA ; table: PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; criteria ELIG_TO_ENROLL = 'Y', optional criteria: max (strm) for most recent enrollment.
% D, W, or F
The percentage of grades earned which resulted in a D, W or F. (calculated from table: PS_STDN_ENRL) In reporting, this data element is called % D, W, or F. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "CRSE_GRADE_OFF".
The type of degree credential that the student received. (eg Associate degree in Arts (AA), Associate degree in Applied Science (AAS), Career Studies Certificate (CSC)) (Note: see definition for Credential Type for summary groupings). The data source is PeopleSoft SIS. TABLE: PS_ACAD_DEGR CRITERIA: INSTITUTION = 'SR283' ACAD_DEGR_STATUS = 'A' ACAD_CAREER = 'CRED' COMPLETION_TERM = desired semester
Dual Course Indicator
This field indicates whether a course is restricted to enrollment by dual students only, because the course is taught at a high school or similar offsite location. Yes = Dual Enrollment Course / No = Not a Dual Enrollment Course. Calculated field from CRSE_ATTR = DLOC from PS_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE table.
% Earning C or Better
The percentage of grades earned which resulted in a A, B, C, P, P-, P+ or S. (field from PS_STDN_ENRL) In reporting, this data element is called % Earning C or Better. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "CRSE_GRADE_OFF".
% Earning D or Better
The percentage of grades earned which resulted in a A, B, C, D, P, P-, P+ or S. (field from PS_STDN_ENRL) In reporting, this data element is called % Earning C or Better. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "CRSE_GRADE_OFF".
This rate compares our enrollment (per section) to the VCCS provided funding ratio. A value of less than one indicates sub-optimal efficiency; one means we are meeting expectations; greater than one is exceeding funding ratio expectations and means that efficiency is improved. A calculated field using the formula: (#Total_students enrolled divided by (the number of class sections offered, grouped by Class_Subject)) (numerator),divided by the Funding_Ratio (denominator).
The most recent date that the record was modified in SIS, as of the 'last_update' for the Plug-In report (see definition for 'last_update'). The data source is PeopleSoft SIS field: EFFDT; table: PS_AA_OVERRIDE; criteria max(effdt) (most recent effective date as of last_update) .
Ending Semester
This field shows the ending semester of the study period for the purposes of calculating retention rate. Determined by the sudent's initial semester of enrollment, and then dependent on the type of retention being calculated (eg Fall to Spring, Fall to Fall). The data source is PeopleSoft SIS: strm from PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria Acad_Career = 'Cred', Institution = 'SR283', stdnt_enrl_status = 'E'.
Enroll Status
Enrolled indicates the student is enrolled in the course; Dropped indicates the student has dropped or was dropped from the course with no record of the enrollment on their transcript. Calculated from STDNT_ENRL_STATUS from PS_STDNT_ENROLL table.
The number of students enrolled in credit courses in a given period. Calculated from count distinct EMPLID from PS_ STDNT_ENRL ; STDNT_ENRL_STATUS = E; where ACAD_CAREER= CRED; calculated using the desired term(s).
Enrollment Goal
Number of students projected to enroll a Reynolds in the selected semester. Provided by Enrollment Management and Student Success, derived from the enrollment projections dashboard.
Enrolled Student
An individual who has sucessfully enrolled in at least one course (current semester or historical) at Reynolds. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS: Identified by table PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria: acad_career='CRED', institution = 'SR283', stdnt_enroll_status='E'
Entering Student
Entering students are new students that have applied to Reynolds AND enrolled at Reynolds in the semester for which they applied. New students who did not enroll in the semester for which they applied, even if they enrolled in a subsequent semester, are excluded in the count of entering students and the application yield calculation. (See 'Application Yield' and 'Semester Entering Status' definition). The data source is a calculated field: Entering Student = YES when (join PS_STDNT_ENRL and PS_ADM_APPL_PROG on emplid and admit_term); field: enroll_status = E. The definiton is used in the Enrollment dashboard.
The number of sections required if funding ratio was met. (Note: This means that if the Efficiency_Rate calculation for this Class_Subject is equal to or greater than the established VCCS number (Funding_Ratio), then this number is the number of class sections that Reynolds needed to offer to achieve that goal.) A calculated field using the # Total Students divided by the funding ratio, grouped by Class_Subject.
Fall to Fall Retention Rate
The percentage of enrolled students in a specific program, who enrolled again the subsequent fall semester in that same academic program and did not earn that program's credential in the intervening period. Calculated as the total number of students who enrolled in the second fall semester, divided by the total cohort of students in the first fall who did not graduate in their primary academic program in the fall, spring, or summer semesters. The definiton is used in the Performance dashboards.
Fall to Fall Retention Rate in Program
The percentage of enrolled students in a specific program, who enrolled again the subsequent fall semester in that same academic program and did not earn that program's credential in the intervening period. Calculated as the total number of students who enrolled in a specified program in the second fall semester, divided by the total cohort of students enrolled in that same specified program in the first fall, who did not graduate in their primary academic program in the fall semester. The definiton is used in the Performance dashboards.
Fall to Spring Retention Rate in Program Plan
The percentage of fall enrolled students in a specific program plan (who did not earn that program plan's credential in the fall) who also enrolled in the subsequent spring semester in that same academic program plan. (Example: If a student is in the Early Childhood AAS AND the Early Childhood CSC program plans, and they earn their CSC in the fall but continue at Reynolds in the AAS program, they would NOT be included in the count of enrolled students in the spring for the CSC program, because they completed that specific credential already.) Calculated as the total number of students who enrolled in a specified program in a fall semester, divided by the total cohort of students enrolled in that same specified program in the following spring semester, who did not graduate with that program plan's credential in the fall.
Fall to Spring Retention Rate
The percentage of fall enrolled students (who did not earn their primary academic program plan credential in the fall) who also enrolled in the the subsequent spring semester. Calculated as the total number of students who enrolled in a fall semester, divided by the total cohort of students enrolled in the following spring, who did not graduate in their primary academic program in the fall.
Federal Unmet need
The amount of need (as determined by the student's FAFSA) that has not been satisfied by the financial aid award. Calculated FED_UNMET_NEED field in PS_STDNT_AWD_PER table; criteria: EFC_STATUS='O' and AWARD_PERIOD='A'.
Percentage (%) of FTES Goal
The percentage of the full-time equivalent student goal (determined by Department of Enrollment Services) that has been satisfied in the selected time frame. Calculated as the Student_FTES (Divide the sum of the student's total enrolled credits (PS_STDNT_ENRL; Field: sum(UNT_TAKEN); criteria: strm) by 15, for the desired reporting term) divided by the FTES goal, times 100.
Percentage (%) of Student Goal
The percentage of the student enrollment goal (number of students, determined by Department of Enrollment Services) that has been satisfied in the selected time frame. Calculated as the number of enrolled students (Identified by table PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria: acad_career='CRED', institution = 'SR283', stdnt_enroll_status='E') divided by the student enrollment goal, times 100.
Financial Aid Eligible Course
Flag that indicates whether the student is enrolled in a course that is eligible for financial aid. The calculation is UNT_PRGRSS_FA not equal to 0 from PS_STDNT_ENRL table.
Financial Aid Year
The financial aid year includes the Fall, subsequent Spring and trailing Summer semesters. The aid year starts in one calendar year and ends in the next and is identified by the TRAILING calendar year (e.g. Fall 2021, Spring 2022 and Summer 2022 = Aid Year 2022). Calculation is determined PS_AID_YEAR_TBL; critera: Institution = SR283, either Aid_Year = (four digit year) -or- date between (acad_year_start) and (acad_year_end) -or- use PS_STDNT_FA_TERM; to look at student records for only one term within a financial aid year; criteria: strm, Aid_Year=(four digit year).
This field is an indicator flag with value of 'Yes' for students for whom both parents did not attend college as of the identified aid year (the aid year that the most recent FAFSA was submitted). Calculated from table= PS_ISIR_PARENT; If the student's Father_Grade_Lvl =/= 3 AND Mother_Grade_Lvl =/=3, then indicator is 'Yes'; criteria: Insitution SR283; max(aid_year).
First Generation Status
Flag that indicates whether a student is the first member of their family to enroll in higher education. The calculation is Father_Grade_lvl not equal to 3 AND Mother_grade_lvl not equal to 3 from PS_ISIR_PARENT table.
The number of sections taught by full-time faculty compared to the number of sections taught by part-time faculty. A calculated field using the Sections_Taught_FullTime_Faculty divided by the Sections_Taught_PartTime_Faculty.
Funding ratio is provided by the VCCS and is determined based on Class_Subject (ie course prefix). This ratio is provided by the business owner.
Gateway English Completion Rate
The percentage of new, curricular students who complete a gateway English course (100-level ENG course) in their first year at Reynolds. The calculated % based on the number of students who met the criteria for Gateway English Status = Completed.
Gateway English Status
Indicates whether a new student completed, attempted but did not complete, or neither attempted nor completed a Gateway English course (100-level ENG course) within their first year of enrollment at Reynolds. Values: 1) Completed = grade of A, B, C, P+, S, or T (for transfer) in CRSE_GRADE_OFF / PS_STDNT_ENRL , joined to PS_Class_TBL on class_number to get subject and catalog_nbr of ENG 111, 112 or 137; has to be earned within 12 months of the start date of their first Reynold enrollment semester (new students only); 2) attempted but did not complete is any other grade, otherwise; 3) not attempted or completed.
Gateway Math Completion Rate
The percentage of new, curricular students who complete a gateway Math course (100-level MTH or MTH 263 course) in their first year at Reynolds. Calculated % based on the number of students who met the criteria for Gateway Math Status = Completed.
Gateway Math Status
Indicates whether the student completed, attempted but did not complete, or neither attempted nor completed a Gateway Math course (MTH 111, 130, 131, 133, 154, 155, 161, 167 or MTH 263 course) within their first year of enrollment at Reynolds. Values: 1) Completed = grade of A, B, C, P+, S, or T (for transfer) in CRSE_GRADE_OFF / PS_STDNT_ENRL , joined to PS_Class_TBL on class_number to get subject and catalog_nbr of any MTH 111, 130, 131, 133, 154, 155, 161, 167 or MTH 263; has to be earned within 12 months of the start date of their first Reynold enrollment semester (new students only); 2) attempted but did not complete is any other grade, otherwise; 3) not attempted or completed.
The student's reported gender. Calculated field SEX from PS_Personal_Data table.
A calculated field based on the student's birthdate, that identifies their age as of the end of the term in which they graduated. Calculated field using PS_Personal_Data; field: birthdate, and term end date from PS_TERM_TBL; field: TERM_END_DT Calculation: (FLOOR ( MONTHS_BETWEEN (TERM_END_DT, BIRTHDATE)/ 12))
The date that the student was awarded their degree credential (AA, AAS, AS, CSC, CERT) from Reynolds. table: PS_ACAD_DEGR_PLAN; field:DEGR_STATUS_DATE; Criteria: joined to PS_ACAD DEGR table on emplid and stdnt_degr; institution = SR283, acad_degr_status='A', completion_term > summer 2016.
Graduating Semester
The semester in which the student earned a Reynolds' credential. Calculated completion_term from PS_ACAD_DEGR; Acad_DEGR_Status = A.
High Risk / High Impact Course
A course identified by Academic Affairs which, historically, has had both a high D,W,F rate and a substantial number of enrolled students. List provided by business / Academic Affairs.
High School Graduation Date
The date on which the student will be or has already graduated from high school. It is possible to have a currently enrolled student that has not yet graduated from high school. Note: This date is student reported on their application for admission to Reynolds, therefore it may not always be accurate. E.G. If the student's graduation is delayed or they switch to a GED program, and do not update their student record. Field is derives from the table, PS_ADM_APPL_DATA and field name is graduation_dt.
Instructor Assign Type
The instructor's assigned role for the class. In reporting, this data element is called Instructor_Assign_Type. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ASSIGN_TYPE".
Instructor Employee Record
The instructor's job record number. In reporting, this data element is called Instructor_Employee_Record. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "EMPL_RCD from PS_CLASS_INSTR".
The employee ID for each instructor for the identified class and section in the requested semester. The data source is SIS from the field: EMPLID in the table: PS_CLASS_INSTR; with the criteria of: Joined to PS_CLASS_TBL on CRSE_ID, CRSE_OFFER_NBR, STRM, SESSION_CODE, CLASS_SECTION.
The official name listed in Peoplesoft for any instructor of the identified class and section in the requested semester. Note: if there are multiple instructors listed, there will be multiple rows in the report for each class. The data source is SIS from the table: PS_NAMES; Field: NAME; with the criteria of: Max (Effective Date), joined to PS_CLASS_INSTR on EMPLID.
Instructor Primary
The primary instructor for that section. If the section has multiple instructors, only the primary instructor will be displayed. In reporting, this data element is called Instructor_Primary. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "EMPLID from PS_CLASS_INSTR; NAME from PS_NAMES (Calculated field)".
Instructor Weekly Workload Hours
The total weekly number of scheduled course hours for that instructor. (Not broken down by class, this is the total number of hours for all classes to which the instructor is assigned in the week.) In reporting, this data element is called Instructor_Weekly_Workload_Hours. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "WEEK_WORKLOAD_HRS".
Last Update
The date when the data was last updated. In reporting, this data element is called Last_Update. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "EFFDT".
Loan Awarded Status
“No Loans Awarded” = the student did not receive any loans for the selected semester (s); “Loan Awarded” = the student was awarded one or more loans for the selected semester (s). Data source is Accept_Balance > 0 in the PS_STDNT_AWARD_DISB table, with Item_Type in AND ((ITEM_TYPE BETWEEN '900000000500' AND '900000000568') OR ITEM_TYPE = '900000001000' OR ITEM_TYPE = '900000001005'))
The name of the user who added the student's Academic Program Plan record. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS:join SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID to emplid in PS_NAMES; join PS_ACAD_PLAN to PS_ACAD_PROG on emplid, acad_career, stdnt_car_nbr, eff_seq; criteria Institution=SR283 where either SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID =/= 'online' or null OR SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID =/= 'online' or null.
The name of the user who updated the student's Academic Program Plan record. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS:join SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID to emplid in PS_NAMES; join PS_ACAD_PLAN to PS_ACAD_PROG on emplid, acad_career, stdnt_car_nbr, eff_seq; criteria Institution=SR283 where either SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID =/= ('online' or null) OR SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID =/= ('online' or null).
New Student Application
An entering student with no prior enrollment history at Reynolds is a new student, regardless of their application/admission type. Any student with prior enrollment at Reynolds is classified as returning and therefore excluded in this measure. Data source is PS_ADM_APPL_PROG.
Pass Rate
The percentage of students completing courses with a specific grade type. Calculated field from CRSE_GRADE_OFF from PS_STDNT_ENRL table.
Pell Awarded Status
Pell Awarded' = the student was awarded a Pell grant, which is a federal program that provides need based grants to low-income students. 'No Pell Awarded' = the student did not receive a Pell grant for the selected semester (s). Calculated field Item_Type in ('900000000110', '900000000112', '900000000100', '900000000102') and Accept_Balance > 0, in the PS_STDNT_AWARD_DISB table.
Race or Ethnicity
The self-reported race or ethnicity of the individual. We are using the IPEDS-certified definition process to group race and ethnicity for reporting purposes (see, which requires identifying Hispanic or Latino as a primary ethnicity. Starting in 2021, anyone with a Hispanic or Latino identified race will be counted as Hispanic/Latino only, separated from other race categories; this will change report groupings, so they may not match earlier race/ethnicity groupings. In addition, a "Two or more races" grouping has been added, for any student that does not have a Hispanic/Latino designation and has two or more races listed. Calculated field that groups data from ETHNIC_GRP_CD field in PS_ETHNICITY_DTL table in SIS. Use SAS to join SAS>Libraries>Ethnicity on emplid, field:ethnicity, then join to SAS>Librabries>Ref>Ethnicity_Crosswalk on ethnicity; field: ethnicity2 to get the IPEDS defined labels.
Rate Earning 12 or More Credits in the First Semester
The percentage of all students who are eligible to enroll in a course, who have a total of 12 or more total cumulative credits (earned or transferred from another institution) in their first semester at Reynolds. Calculated field: 1) find first semester using Min(strm) from PS_STDNT_ENRL; enrl_status = E 2) get tot_cumulative from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; acad_career = 'CRED' 3) left join to PS_STDNT_ENRL on emplid and strm; criteria where elig_to_enrl = 'Y' 4)calculate % of all students enrolled for that term, that have total credits term end >=12 in their first semester
Rate Earning 6 or More Credits in the First Semester
The percentage of all students who are eligible to enroll in a course, who have a total of 6 or more total cumulative credits (earned or transferred from another institution) in their first semester at Reynolds. Calculated field: 1) find first semester using Min(strm) from PS_STDNT_ENRL; enrl_status = 'E' 2) get tot_cumulative from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; acad_career = 'CRED' 3) left join to PS_STDNT_ENRL on emplid and strm; criteria where elig_to_enrl = 'Y' 4)calculate % of all students enrolled for that term, that have total credits term end >=6 in their first semester
Rate Earning 24 or More Credits in the First Year
The percentage of students with a total of 24 or more total cumulative credits (earned or transferred from another institution) in their first year (12 months) at Reynolds. Calculated field: 1) get first term enrolled as MIN (STRM) from PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria STDNT_ENRL_STATUS = 'E' 2) get TOT_CUMULATIVE from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; criteria ACAD_CAREER = 'CRED'; strm = the semester that is 12 months after the first term enrolled for that student 3) evaluate if TOT_CUMULATIVE >= 24
Rate Earning 30 or More Credits in the First Year
The percentage of students with a total of 30 or more total cumulative credits (earned or transferred from another institution) in their first year (12 months) at Reynolds. Calculated field: 1) get first term enrolled as MIN (STRM) from PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria STDNT_ENRL_STATUS = 'E' 2) get TOT_CUMULATIVE from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; criteria ACAD_CAREER = 'CRED'; strm = the semester that is 12 months after the first term enrolled for that student 3) evaluate if TOT_CUMULATIVE >= 30
The emplid of the user who added the student's Academic Program Plan record. Calculated from PS_ACAD_PLAN; join to PS_ACAD_PROG on emplid, acad_career, stdnt_car_nbr, eff_seq; criteria Institution=SR283 where either SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID =/= 'online' or null OR SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID =/= 'online' or null
The emplid of the user who updated the student's Academic Program Plan record. Calculated from PS_ACAD_PLAN; join to PS_ACAD_PROG on emplid, acad_career, stdnt_car_nbr, eff_seq; criteria Institution=SR283 where either SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID =/= ('online' or null) OR SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID =/= ('online' or null)
Scholarship Awarded Status
“No Scholarship Awarded” = the student did not receive any scholarships for the selected semester (s); “Scholarship Awarded” = the student was awarded one or more scholarships for the selected semester (s).
Data source is Accept_Balance > 0 in the PS_STDNT_AWARD_DISB table, with Item_Type in AND ((ITEM_TYPE = '900000000700')
OR (ITEM_TYPE BETWEEN '900000000800' AND '900000000815')
OR (ITEM_TYPE BETWEEN '900000000850' AND '900000000915')
OR (ITEM_TYPE BETWEEN '900000001200' AND '900000001205'))
The number of sections taught by a full-time faculty member. A calculated field using the COUNT of CLASS_SECTION in PS_CLASS_TBL where FULL_PART_TIME in PS_Job = 'F'.
The number of sections taught by a part-time faculty member. A calculated field using the COUNT of CLASS_SECTION in PS_CLASS_TBL where FULL_PART_TIME in PS_Job = 'P'.
School, Academic Program Plan
The school that has primary ownership of the academic program plan. Data field comes from Acad_Org in PS_ACAD_PLAN_OWNER.
Seats Available
Total number of seats available in that section, regardless of whether students have enrolled or not. In reporting, this data element is called Seats_Available. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ENRL_CAP".
Seats Filled
Number of seats filled in that section of the course as of the run time of the report. In reporting, this data element is called Seats_Filled. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ENRL_TOT".
Seats Open
Number of seats available for student registration in that section of the course as of the run time of the report, calculated by subtracting the number of seats filled from the total number of seats available. In reporting, this data element is called Seats_Open. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ENRL_CAP minus ENRL_TOT (Calculated)".
The percentage of the seats in that section of the course that are filled, calculated by dividing the total enrollment by the total number of seats in the class. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ENRL_TOT /ENRL_CAP (Calculated)".
Semester Code
The term, or semester, of the college which is a 15-week period for Reynolds in the fall and spring. See session for the lengths of course offerings available during a semester. In reporting, this data element is called Semester_Code. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "STRM".
The description of the college term (ie semester), which is a 15-week period for Reynolds in the fall and spring and a 10-week period for summer. See session for the lengths of course offerings available during a semester i.e.(IE Fall 2021). The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "DESCR from PS_TERM_TBL".
Semester Entering Status
The status of the student enrolling at Reynolds; broken down into three categories: (1) "New" (includes readmits which are students that have previous enrollment but there has been a break in enrollment that requires them to reapply per Reynolds policy) , (2) "Returning" (has previous enrollment AND there is no break in enrollment that is long enough to require a new application), and (3) "Transfer" (students who have transferred from a non-VCCS school OR internally from another VCCS institution). Data field comes from student type: when First term of enrollment (min(strm) from PS_STDNT_ENRL) = current term then display admit type from PS_ADM_APPL_DATA; ADMIT_TYPE; New and Readmit application type are new students, trf is transfer, otherwise indicated as returning. Ensure join criteria include the application max effective date AND application max sequence number.
Number of credits that the student is enrolled in for the identified semester. Calculated from UNT_TAKEN_PRGRSS; table: PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria: strm not equal; acad_career='CRED', institution = 'SR283', stdnt_enroll_status='E'.
Semester Type
The type of semester (e.g. fall, spring, summer). Data field comes Last digit of strm (2=spring, 3=summer, 4=fall) in PS_TERM_TBL.
The session in which the course is scheduled in a particular semester. The name of the session is the number of weeks in the session, followed by an optional number that indicates if there's more than one session of that length (ie 10w= the (only) 10 week session; 7w1 = the first 7 week session; 7w2 = the second 7 week session). Note that session code '1' or 'REGULAR' means that the class runs the full length of the semester, and 'DYNAMIC' or 'DYN' means the class does not fit into a scheduled session and therefore may also have start and end dates that fall outside of the standard semester dates. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "SESSION_CODE".
Student Academic Year
Academic year (AY) is the leading Summer, Fall, and then the Spring of the next calendar year. The academic year (AY) starts in one calendar year and ends in the next. (E.G. Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022 = AY2022). Data field comes from PS_TERM_TBL with field name ACAD_YEAR.
Student Address
The address line for the student's current residence. In reporting, this data element is called Student_Address1. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ADDRESS1".
Students by School
The number of students who are in the enrollment table, who attempted registration or successfully enrolled in a course, grouped by the academic school that owns the student's primary academic program plan. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and calculated field - retrieved from SIS using the information in the definitions for "School, Academic Program Plan", "Enrollment", and "Academic Program Plan, Primary", joined on emplid and strm .
Student City
The city of the student's current residence. In reporting, this data element is called Student_City. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "CITY".
Student Credit Hours
Number of credit hours respective to the number of students enrolled as of the run time of the report. This is calculated as: (Number of Students * Number of Credit Hours) For example if there are ten students enrolled and the course is three credits, the result would be 30 (i.e. 10 * 3 = 30). In reporting, this data element is called Student_Credit_Hours. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "ENRL_TOT * UNITS_ACAD_PROG (Calculated)".
1) If the student is in a dual plan code (041,042,043) that semester; OR 2) if the student is enrolled in at least one course that is restricted to duals-only in that semester (DLOC course attribute); OR 3) if the student (a) has an XDUL student attribute, AND (b) the student reports not yet having graduated high school AND (c) they were younger than 19. Note: Age and high school graduation status is determined based on the request (ie last day of semester or as of the report date). 1) Acad_Plan in PS_Acad_Plan table, join criteria: Prog_Status=AC in PS_Acad_Prog table 2) STDNT_Enrl_Status = E in PS_STDNT_ENRL table, join Class_Nbr to PS_Class_tbl, then join to PS_Class_attr table on class_nbr, crse_offer_nbr, crse_id, strm, class_section, and session_code, criteria: CRSE_ATTR=DLOC. 3) stdnt_attr=XDUL from PS_stdnt_attr_dtl table, subquery PS_adm_appl_data table, criteria: graduation_dt >=today (or desired reporting term's end date); subquery PS_personal_data table, criteria: calculate age from birthdate field, age less than 19 as of today (or desired reporting term's end date
The email address of the student. The email is either a VCCS email or personal email account. In reporting, this data element is called Student_Email_Address. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS PS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES and the relevant field is "EMAIL_ADDR".
The personal email address of the student - this will be an email address that is NOT associated with Reynolds or VCCS. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS: PS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES; field: EMAIL_ADDR; E_ADDR_TYPE NOT EQUAL 'VCCS', or '', or 'www.%'
The preferred email address of the student. The email is either a VCCS email or personal email account. The data source is PeopleSoft PS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES; field: EMAIL_ADDR; criteria: pref_email_flag= 'Y'.
The email address of the student - this will be an email address that IS associated with either Reynolds or VCCS. Note that an employee can also be a student, therefore some students will have a '' email type. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant table is PS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES; field: EMAIL_ADDR; E_ADDR_TYPE = 'VCCS'
Student FTES are is calculated as the total number of credit hours in which a student is enrolled in a semester, divided by 15. For example if a student is taking 12 credits in a semester, their FTES would be calculated as 12 /15 = 0.8 FTES. (Note: This calculation is slightly different than Annual FTES, which takes the student's total enrollment in a year and divides by 30.) The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and Calculated field: Divide the sum of the student's total enrolled credits (PS_STDNT_ENRL; Field: sum(UNT_TAKEN); criteria: strm) by 15, for the desired reporting term
Student First Name
The primary first name of the student. In reporting, this data element is called Student_First_Name. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS: field: FIRST_NAME; table PS_NAMES; criteria: D.EFFDT = (SELECT MAX (D_ED.EFFDT) FROM PS_NAMES D_ED WHERE D.EMPLID = D_ED.EMPLID AND D.NAME_TYPE = D_ED.NAME_TYPE AND D_ED.EFFDT Less than equal to SYSDATE) AND D.NAME_TYPE = 'PRI' .
Student ID
Unique Student ID provided by VCCS through PeopleSoft SIS. In reporting, this data element is called Student_ID. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "EMPLID".
Student Last Name
The primary last name of the student. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS: Field: LAST_NAME; table: PS_NAMES; criteria: D.EFFDT = (SELECT MAX (D_ED.EFFDT) FROM PS_NAMES D_ED WHERE D.EMPLID = D_ED.EMPLID AND D.NAME_TYPE = D_ED.NAME_TYPE AND D_ED.EFFDT Less than equal to SYSDATE) AND D.NAME_TYPE = 'PRI'
The attributed primary city or county of residence of the student, derived from USPS zip code records. Calculated from calculated from PS_ADDRESSES; field= POSTAL and then matched to primary from USPS postal codes database (public record).
The primary full name of the student, as displayed in Peoplesoft SISField: Name_Display, table: PS_NAMES; criteria: D.EFFDT = (SELECT MAX (D_ED.EFFDT) FROM PS_NAMES D_ED WHERE D.EMPLID = D_ED.EMPLID AND D.NAME_TYPE = D_ED.NAME_TYPE AND D_ED.EFFDT Less than or equal too SYSDATE) AND D.NAME_TYPE = 'PRI'
The main phone number of the student. In reporting, this data element is called Student_Phone. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "PHONE" from PS_PERSONAL_PHONE; criteria: PHONE_TYPE = 'MAIN' or 'TEXT' or 'CELL'.
Student State
The state of that student's current residence. In reporting, this data element is called Student_State. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "STATE".
The comments that are written for the substituted course. (See definition for Student_Substitution_Grade). The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is: DESCR254A; table: PS_AA_OVERRIDE; criteria max(effective date); eff_status = 'A'; for this report only, optional criteria is limiting the max(effective_date) to January 01, 2019 and later.
The description written for the substituted course. (See definition for Student_Substitution_Grade). The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field: DESCR; table: PS_AA_OVERRIDE; criteria max(effective date); eff_status = 'A'; for this report only, optional criteria is limiting the max(effective_date) to January 01, 2019 and later.
The grade earned in the course that has been substituted in place of a plan required course. Example: if a student wants to substitute ENG 111 for their plan requirement of ENG 110, this field contains their ENG 111 grade as ENG 11 is considered a substituted course for ENG 110. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field: CRSE_GRADE_OFF; table: PS_AA_OVRD_CRSDATA left joined to PS_AA_OVERRIDE on max(effective_date) and E.RQ_AA_OVERRIDE = A.RQ_AA_OVERRIDE
Total Aid Awarded
The sum of financial aid awarded to a Reynolds student for the selected semester(s). Data source is Accept_balance > 0 from PS_STDNT_AWRD_DISB table.
Total Applications
The total count of students who have submitted an application to Reynolds, in the selected period of time. If a student submits multiple applications, each one is displayed. Data source is PS_ADM_APPL_PROG.
Total Credentials
The total number of Reynolds' credentials earned. Note: students can earn multiple credentials, therefore a student may be counted multiple times. Calculated Count of records in PS_ACAD_DEGR with Acad_DEGR_Status = A.
Total Enrolled Students
The sum of all students who have successfully enrolled in at least one course at Reynolds. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS: Identified by table PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria: acad_career='CRED', institution = 'SR283', stdnt_enroll_status='E'.
Total Entering Students
The count of students who enrolled in the same term in which they were admitted. New students who did not enroll in the semester for which they applied, even if they enrolled in a subsequent semester, are therefore excluded in the count of entering students and the application yield percentage calculation. The data source is table PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria: acad_career='CRED', institution = 'SR283', stdnt_enroll_status='E', and the enrollment term (strm) = the application’s admit_term from PS_ADM_APPL_PROG.
Total Pell Award
The sum of pell grant dollars awarded to students for the selected semester(s). Data source is Accept_Balance > 0 in the PS_STDNT_AWARD_DISB table, with Item_Type in ('900000000110', '900000000112', '900000000100', '900000000102').
Total Students Awarded
The count of students who were awarded financial aid for the selected semester(s). Data source is Accept_balance > 0 from PS_STDNT_AWRD_DISB table.
Total Students Earning 12 or More Credits in the First Semester
The number of students with 12 or more total cumulative credits (earned or transferred from another institution) in their first semester at Reynolds. Calculated field: 1) find first semester using Min(strm) from PS_STDNT_ENRL; enrl_status = E 2) get tot_cumulative from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; acad_career = 'CRED' 3) left join to PS_STDNT_ENRL on emplid and strm; criteria where elig_to_enrl = 'Y' 4)sum # of all students enrolled for that term, that have total credits term end >=12 in their first semester
Total Students Earning 6 or More Credits in the First Semester
The number of students with 6 or more total cumulative credits (earned or transferred from another institution) in their first semester at Reynolds. Calculated field: 1) find first semester using Min(strm) from PS_STDNT_ENRL; enrl_status = E 2) get tot_cumulative from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; acad_career = 'CRED' 3) left join to PS_STDNT_ENRL on emplid and strm; criteria where elig_to_enrl = 'Y' 4)sum # of all students enrolled for that term, that have total credits term end >=6 in their first semester.
Total Students Earning 24 or More Credits in the First Year
The number of students with a total of 24 or more total cumulative credits (earned or transferred from another institution) in their first year (12 months) at Reynolds. Calculated 1) get first term enrolled as MIN (STRM) from PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria STDNT_ENRL_STATUS = 'E' 2) get TOT_CUMULATIVE from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; criteria ACAD_CAREER = 'CRED'; strm = the semester that is 12 months after the first term enrolled for that student 3) evaluate if TOT_CUMULATIVE >= 24.
Total Students Earning 30 or More Credits in the First Year
The number of students with a total of 30 or more total cumulative credits (earned or transferred from another institution) in their first year (12 months) at Reynolds. Calculated1) get first term enrolled as MIN (STRM) from PS_STDNT_ENRL; criteria STDNT_ENRL_STATUS = 'E' 2) get TOT_CUMULATIVE from PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM; criteria ACAD_CAREER = 'CRED'; strm = the semester that is 12 months after the first term enrolled for that student 3) evaluate if TOT_CUMULATIVE >= 30.
Total Credentialed Students
The total students who earned a Reynolds' credential. Students who earn more than one credential from Reynolds are counted once in this measure. Calculated Count of distinct students in PS_ACAD_DEGR with Acad_DEGR_Status = A.
Total Sections
The total count of sections, using subject, catalog number, and class section (based on time, place, and instructional mode) combined. In reporting, this data element is called Class_ID. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the relevant field is "SUBJECT ||CATALOG_NBR ||CLASS_SECTION".
Total Students Retained
The total number of previously enrolled students who re-enrolled in the specified ending semester. The data source is calculated in the dashboard as the count of student_id by enrl_tbl_term from PERFORM_PRIMARY; SIS - Field:EMPLID; table: PS_ STDNT_ENRL; Criteria: STDNT_ENRL_STATUS = E,ACAD_CAREER= CRED; STRM = <specified semester>. This data defintion is used in the Performance Dashboard.
Total Students Retained in Program
The total number of previously enrolled students who re-enrolled in the same academic program plan in the specified ending semester. NOTE: For this measure only, a student is not counted as retained if they re-enroll at Reynolds but in a different academic program plan. The data source is calculated from the dashboard file PERFORM_PROGRAM, as the count of student_id by enrl_tbl_term and plan_descr; SIS - Field:EMPLID; table: PS_ STDNT_ENRL; Criteria: STDNT_ENRL_STATUS = E,ACAD_CAREER= CRED; STRM = <specified semester>. This data defintion is used in the Performance Dashboard.
Transfer Credits
The number of credits transferred in to Reynolds in a given articulation term (the term in which the credits transferred.) Calculated from Table: PS_TRNS_CRSE_TERM; Field: UNT_TRNSFR; criteria: acad_career = cred, institution = SR283, articulation_term (desired term).
The source of the credits being transferred in to Reynolds. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS and the field: SRC_ORG_NAME; table: PS_TRNS_CRSE_SCH joined to PS_TRNS_CRSE_TERM; criteria: ACAD_CAREER = 'CRED', INSTITUTION = 'SR283', and MODEL_STATUS = 'P'.
The date that the record was added or updated in Peoplesoft SIS. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS:field: SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM from PS_ACAD_PLAN; join to PS_ACAD_PROG on emplid, acad_career, stdnt_car_nbr, eff_seq; criteria Institution=SR283 where either SCC_ROW_UPD_OPRID =/= ('online' or null) OR SCC_ROW_ADD_OPRID =/= ('online' or null)
Veteran Status
Flag indicating whether the student is identified as having a currently active Veteran student grouping (VTNA) in Peoplesoft. The data source is PeopleSoft SIS: Identified by the table PS_STDNT_GRPS, joined on PS_STDNT_GRPS_HIST; criteria: PS_STDNT_GRPS.STDNT_GRP=VTNA; PS_STDNT_GRPS_HIST: EFF_STATUS=A and max(eff_date)