Using the Annotation Feature in Zoom


This article provides instructions for how to make annotations in a Zoom meeting while someone is sharing their screen.


Key Points:

  • Hosts as well as participants can use the annotation feature in the Zoom meeting while someone is sharing their screen (provided that the option hasn’t been disabled in the meeting settings).
  • Annotation features include options for entering text, drawing lines and shapes, and placing stamps (e.g., hearts, check marks, etc.).


  1. To annotate while sharing your own screen, click the Annotate option.

  1. Click on the desired annotation option you wish to use.

    To annotate while viewing someone else's shared screen, select View Options from the top of the Zoom window (to the right of the text that says You are Viewing [name of person’s] screen, and then choose Annotate. A toolbar appears with all your options for annotating, including text, draw, arrow, and so forth.




Article ID: 139873
Wed 6/1/22 10:48 AM
Fri 5/5/23 3:23 PM