MiFi Hotspot Loan Procedure


This article outlines the process of loaning hour MiFi Hotspot devices to authorized users.


MiFi device loan procedure:

  1. MiFi devices are due on the last day of each semester.  Renewal will be allowed from Summer to Fall and from Fall to Spring if students are enrolled in the following semester.  Faculty and staff are assigned MiFi devices through the IT department directly as long as they need them (if they have no alternative to use another Internet-connected device to do their work).
  2. All mobile devices will be collected at the end of Spring semester for maintenance and inventory.  No renewal is allowed.*
  3. MiFi devices will be put into circulation immediately after they are checked/updated and inventoried.  Applications for summer loans will start to be processed one week before summer semester starts

    *Faculty and staff that are assigned MiFi hotspots are exempted from the no renewal policy.

MiFi device maintenance:

  1. After spring semester ends in early May, IT will come to the library to collect the returned MiFi devices for maintenance at least once a week, or as needed. 
  2. IT will return the MiFi devices to the library after checking and updating the mobile devices.  The turnaround time will not exceed two (2) weeks.

MiFi inventory:

  1. Inventory will be conducted at intervals as required by the VCCS.
  2. Inventory will be performed in the summer after all MiFis are returned at the end of spring semester and will be completed by July 31th of the current year.
  3. The Fixed Assets Coordinator will come to the library once a week to audit/scan the MiFi devices that have been received in May. 
  4. In cases that the MiFi devices aren’t physically on campus, the Fixed Assets Coordinator may occasionally conduct inventory based on library’s records as needed.

Picking up / dropping off MiFi hotspots:

  1. Library staff fill out and print out form 65-0008 (Fixed Asset Location Change Form) for the MiFi devices they have assigned to IT for maintenance. 
  2. IT staff will verify the mobile devices included on the list.  Both the library staff and the IT staff will sign off on the form.
  3. Library will scan the original signed copy and email it to the Fixed Assets Coordinator.
  4. When returning the MiFi, IT will be responsible for creating a new 65-0008 form to indicate MiFi devices are being returned to the library.**  Both the library and IT staff will sign off on the form again, and IT can email it to the Fixed Assets Coordinator.
  5. For MiFi hotspots, the library staff will contact IT for replenishment when only one MiFi remains in the inventory.

    **Faculty and staff can return MiFi hotspots back to the IT department directly.





Article ID: 139848
Wed 6/1/22 10:48 AM
Wed 5/3/23 12:00 PM