403(b) Tax-sheltered Annuity Program


The 403(b) Plan is a voluntary retirement savings program that is available to individuals who are employed by the Commonwealth of Virginia in either a salaried or wage position. The plan allows you to save for retirement through convenient payroll deductions. With pre-tax deductions, your contributions and any earnings are tax-deferred. With Roth, after-tax, contributions, you pay taxes on your contributions now, for qualified tax-free withdrawals later. The current 403(b) vendors are TIAA and Corebridge Financial. To the right, you will find the 403(b) plan information sheet along with the Salary Reduction Agreement Form that can be used to initiate or change your contribution. For new enrollments from full-time employees, the Cash Match Agreement Form will also need to be completed if you would like your cash match to go to your 403(b) account.




Article ID: 149701
Mon 2/19/24 11:26 AM
Mon 2/19/24 11:33 AM



403b Flyer.pdf Computer

Mon 2/19/24 11:26 AM

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Mon 2/19/24 11:28 AM

Salary Reduction Agreement Form.pdf Computer

Mon 2/19/24 11:27 AM