Globalscape: Workspace User Guide


Symptom: A user successfully logs in to find themselves identified as another user entirely.

Cause: Duplicate usernames in the wizard_user table.

Solution: Change the username of the user exhibiting the symptom to a unique username.

Steps for the change:

1) Identify Wizard ID of the incorrectly behaving user account:

lower(USERNAME) = '{current username - must be all lowercase}';

This will return two (or more) entries in the Wizard_User table and you must use the information in the table (Date of Birth, account creation date, etc) to determine which account is the one that is being reported as misbehaving and record the Wizard ID.

2) Validate the target username is not in use.

lower(USERNAME) = '{new username - must be all lowercase}';

No records shown indicates the new username is not already in use.

3) Change the user's username to the new, unique, name.

UPDATE wizard_user
SET username='{new username - must be all lowercase}'
ID={User's Wizard ID};

4) Verify the change was successful and the username is unique.

lower(USERNAME) = '{new username - must be all lowercase}';

One record returned with the Wizard ID of the original user, username is unique and issue resolved.

5) Once verified, commit the change.

6) Inform the student or student's councilor of the new username.

Andy Farnsworth


From Issue: #157287
Issue Type: + Virginia Education Wizard / Technical

Solution: Provided the user with a unique username in the database.

select * from WIZARD_USER where lower(USERNAME) = 'csmith5';
No records shown, username not in use.

UPDATE wizard_user SET username='csmith5' WHERE ID=436490;
Update successful.

select * from WIZARD_USER where lower(USERNAME) = 'csmith5';
Validated update was success and username is unique as this returned exactly one record.

There is a student in Northampton County who seems to be incorrectly linked to another student.

The student we are working with is Corey Smith. His STI is 1013838225.

However, when he logs into Wizard using the generated username, CSmith1, the Wizard says "Welcome Cody."

Can this be checked?


We can discuss the duplicate report in the Core meeting/conf call Wednesday.


Production Release Notes:

select * from WIZARD_USER where lower(USERNAME) like 'csmith1';
Should show two users, Corey and Cody, with the username 'csmith1'

select * from WIZARD_USER where lower(USERNAME) = 'csmith5';
Check to be sure the new username is not in use.
If it is select a different username (like 'csmith6') and try again.

UPDATE wizard_user SET username='csmith5' WHERE ID=436490;
Change the username to the new one for COREY (Wizard ID: 436490)

Thanks, Marcia.

Andy, perhaps we can talk about the report during our core meeting Wednesday.


Approved per our discussion.


The fix for this is to give the user a unique username in the database. Sending to Marcia for approval to make the change in the production database. Note: this approval is for changing Corey Smith's username to be unique, not for the code change to keep this from happening in the future.

Report run and attached ... (if I can figure out how to attach a file)

Thank you for researching this issue. I think it is a great idea to run the report and see how many others might be impacted by this issue.

Thanks again!

Found Cody and, with help from Shinaya, figured out what the issue is. The fix is to change the username for these students and give them a unique username. I will coordinate with Marcia to get permissions and we will fix these two. I can then generate a report on all users who might have this issue and we can decide what to do about fixing them.

I have been unsuccessful at finding information about Cody. When I look in the list of students named Cody Smith in the state, there are dozens, at least. Is it possible to search the Wizard database to see if there is a Cody Smith that has the same username of "csmith1"?

If that doesn't work, I can try to see if the counselor reporting this (Corey's counselor) can export the ACP and see an STI.

There would be no associated email address, as K-12 users do not have email addresses registered to their accounts.

Sorry I don't have a better answer, but I can dig deeper if the username isn't enough information to debug the users.


Do we know any further information on the "Cody" that is being referenced? Email address, last name, ID, anything? Trying to figure out why it is linking to the wrong name, but I need to know what user it is to get an idea.

Similar to Issue: 157287



Article ID: 1590
Tue 5/20/14 3:12 PM
Wed 9/18/24 3:58 PM