SIS: Emplid Merge - FA Payment and FA Refund Reversals/Adjusting Entries


Before Getting Started

If the college wants to get the FA undisbursed or redisbursed, they will need to discuss this with the FA subject matter experts at their college and at VCCS System Office.


  1. To reverse the FA payment --  Go to the Student Financials, Charges and Payments, Student Post page.  Enter the business unit, emplid, TUT and FA item type for the FA payment you want to reverse.  When the page opens, choose the Payment ID from the dropdown box (IMPORTANT:  this will populate all the relevant data in the page).  Click “POST” button. (See before and after screenshots below).  Notice change in Student’s Balance.


  1. Drill down on student’s account details and confirm FA payment has been zeroed out.

  1. To reverse refund -- Go to the Student Financials, Refunds, Reverse and Cancel Refunds, Student Refunds by ID page and click “Reverse” button next to the FA refund you want to reverse. (before and after screenshots below)


  1. Drill down on student’s account details and confirm FA refund has been zeroed out.




Article ID: 1582
Tue 5/20/14 2:59 PM
Wed 9/18/24 10:14 AM

