SIS: How to Delete Emplids


1-Ensure you have security access to your college's Recruiting Centers. Also ensure you have access to: Use/Prospect Data, Process/Prospect Delete and Process/Process Prospect Delete panels under the Recruit Prospective Students menu; Process/Applicant Delete and Process/Process Applicant Deletes panels under the Process Applications menu; and Process/ID Delete under the Maintain People Data menu.

2-If application was Matriculated to records, you must pull up all the student records data that you may have created and delete it row by row. This will hopefully only be the student program/plan placement (Track Student Careers, Use, Student Program/Plan); but may also include Residency, Term Activation, Transfer Credit, Enrollments, etc… if you got that far before noticing the emplid error.

3-Go to the Recruit Prospective Students menu. Bring up the emplid with Use/Prospect Data panelgroup. Click on the Prospect Program Data tab. Delete the row that exists there. Click on the Prospect Career Data tab. Ensure there is something in the Recruiting Center or you will not be able to save. Save the panel.

4-Staying in this menu, bring up the emplid with Process/Prospect Delete. I clicked the radio button indicating to delete from All Careers. Save the panel.

5-Staying in this menu, bring up the Process/Process Prospect Delete panel. Use whatever run control ID you already have established.
There is no input on this panel. Click the stoplight, select where to run, and then click OK to run the process (I ran on the client). I verified via Process Monitor that the process completed successfully.

6-Go to the Process Applications menu. Bring up the emplid with Process/Applicant Delete. I clicked the radio button indicating to delete from All Careers. Save the panel.

7-Staying in this menu, bring up the Process/Process Applicant Deletes. Use whatever run control ID you already have established.
There is no input on this panel. Click the stoplight, select where to run, and then click OK to run the process (I ran on the client). I verified via Process Monitor that the process completed successfully.

8-Go to Maintain People Data menu. Bring up the emplid with the Process/ID Delete panel. Save the panel. Respond OK to the warning message generated. Process may take a while to complete. May want to ensure that your remote call timeout value is set to a sufficiently high value (such as 900) before attempting the delete. The timeout value can be found on the Remote Call tab of the Configuration Manager.



Article ID: 1567
Tue 5/20/14 2:36 PM
Wed 9/11/24 9:09 AM