SIS: PeopleSoft Repeat Process Known Issues


Subject (Issue #1):
PS logic and VCCS Policy are NOT in alignment with regard to multiple attempts on classes.

The repeat checking process does not handle cumulative GPA computations in accordance with the VCCS Policy which states that only the last grade earned is counted in the computation of the cumulative GPA. PS logic looks to match the current class attempt with a previous attempt associated with earned credit. Since a grade of “F” does not carry earned credit, a previous attempt with an “F” grade will be bypassed if another previous attempt has a grade (A, B, C, D) that does carry earned credit. BRCC first reported this situation, and an enhancement request has been filed with PeopleSoft to rewrite the logic in a future release (5411000). The process currently works the same way in PS Version 8, SP1.

Student records under this scenario must be identified and corrected manually.


Subject (Issue #2):
PS logic does not differentiate between repeat enrollment limits and repeat grading/GPA during the repeat checking process.

If the repeat checking process is run more than once for a given term, a third or greater current class attempt may end up with an “ILGL” repeat code. The PS logic is successful on an initial run of the repeat checking process for a specific term, as the “RAOV” repeat code was entered at enrollment to override the enrollment limits. The repeat grading logic will change the “RAOV” code to the “RPT” code, as it should the first time around. If this process is run again for the same term, the PS logic looks at the enrollment limits once again. Subsequently, the most recent class attempt with the correct “RPT” repeat code is changed to have an “ILGL” code, and the units for this class attempt are not calculated in the cumulative GPA. VWCC first reported this problem, and Kathy Harcum has reported this issue to PeopleSoft (case#:3324953).

Student records under this scenario must be identified and corrected manually.




Article ID: 1566
Tue 5/20/14 2:35 PM
Wed 9/11/24 10:20 AM