Web Credit Card Processing: Managing Pending Transactions


Usually when a student or college processes a Web credit card transaction (payments or refunds), the transaction is sent to CyberSource for authorization/settlement or refunding, and immediately posted to the student account in SIS. However, if there is a system time-out at either end of that transaction, the SIS writes the transaction to the SF_PAYMENT and SF_PAYMENT_LOG tables in the SIS. Colleges must use the SIS batch credit card process ( Go, Manage Student Financials, Maintain Receivables, Process, Credit Card Processing ) to clear up these pending transactions.

Please review the PeopleSoft SF Credit Card Processor Documentation on the Model page of the SIS Deployment site for more information on this process. The section on batch processing begins on page 36:

PeopleSoft GSC recommends running this batch process on a daily basis to correct authorization, settlement, and posting errors. This will allow pending authorizations, settlements, postings, and refunds (if desired) to be processed on a daily basis. This process should augment the "Daily Pending Transaction Check" listed in the "SA-HTML Credit Card Business Processes" document on the SIS Deployment Site:

PeopleSoft GSC also reports that in some cases, time-outs or cancelling a running batch credit card processing process can leave the records in an incomplete state, requiring manual fixes. Please keep in mind that the batch credit card process will select only records matching these criteria for the appropriate flags checked on the batch processing panel:
Post Errors Checkbox: Payment Status = B, Posting Status = E, and Process Instance = 0
Authorize/Settle Checkbox: Payment Status = S and Process Instance = 0
Settle Checkbox: Payment Status = A and Process Instance = 0
Credit Checkbox: Payment Status = P and Process Instance = 0
You can (and should) check your pending transactions on the SF_PAYMENT table by using the public query VC_SF_PAYMENT_TBL. If you have transactions listed that do not match the codes stated above, you must research the student account and CyberSource Support Site to see if the transactions have posted before requesting manual intervention. If you do require changes to records on the SF_PAYMENT table, please submit an incident to the Help Desk.

If you have questions about this process, please contact me at your convenience.

WARNING: Colleges should familiarize themselves with the batch credit card process in PRODDEV, and should also test any requested changes there prior to execution in PRODSIS. However, please remember that PRODDEV is a copy of the production environment. You must change the CyberSource server listing in the Institution Set panels in PRODDEV to point to the CyberSource test environment prior to running the process. Failure to do so will result in live credit card payments and refunds being sent to CyberSource for processing with your bank.


Jeff Mitchell, VCCS ITS
jmitchell@vccs.edu, (804) 819-4984



Article ID: 1559
Tue 5/20/14 2:25 PM
Tue 9/17/24 5:38 PM