SIS: Enrollment Cancellation - Lessons Learned


Over the last few months, ITS staff has worked with college staff to identify causes for the variety in the length of time it has taken to run the Enrollment Cancellation Processes. We have found two candidates for improving performance of the Enrollment Cancellation Process.

Turn off logging of calls to the Tuition Calculation program. The setup navigation is Go, Manage Student Financials, Calculate Tuition and Fees, Setup, Tuition Calculation Controls, Display Error/Warn Controls. The "Display In Log File" should be unchecked for each term.

Choose a Selection Criteria of "All", rather than "Tuition Group" or "Academic Program".

Several colleges ran the Enrollment Cancellation Process towards the end of Spring 2004 using these changes and noticed significant improvements in processing time especially when using the Selection Criteria of “All”. While individual response times will vary, in one instance a college was able to run their Enrollment Cancellation in report mode in under 15 minutes when it had been taking hours before. In another instance a large college was able to complete the Enrollment Cancellation Process including drops in 3 hours and 15 minutes when it had previously taken over one-hundred hours to complete the initial processing step!

Rik Gillette, VCCS Enterprise Services, (804) 423-5637



Article ID: 1557
Tue 5/20/14 2:23 PM
Wed 9/18/24 11:07 AM