myVCCS: Security Training Violation and Suspensions/Reinstatement


If an employee is not up to date on their security training, colleges may suspend their Google and Canvas access to force them to go through the training.

Procedure for suspensions:

  1. To disable faculty access in SIS, insert a row in the Instructor/Advisor table with the status of Inactive, and the date of today.
  2. Assign the SUSPENDED_EMPLOYEE role in MyVCCS Person Info by editing the Profile. This will suspend access to Google accounts within 15 minutes, and Canvas enrollments will be inactivated within two hours. The Google status is visible on the Email screen of MyVCCS Admin Person Info.

Procedure for reinstatement:

  1. To re-enable faculty access in SIS, insert a row in the Instructor/Advisor table with the status of Active, and the date of today (if they were suspended the same day then use tomorrow's date for this row as you cannot have two rows with the same date.
  2. Remove the SUSPENDED_EMPLOYEE role in MyVCCS Person Info. This will restore access to Google accounts within 15 minutes, and Canvas enrollments will be activated within four hours. If another college suspended the person, you may wish/need to contact that college.



Article ID: 1555
Tue 5/20/14 2:18 PM
Mon 2/24/25 7:20 AM

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