TDX: Consultant Application Access and Security Roles


Before Getting Started

This guide will be used when consultants need access to TDNext, and/or project resources.  This does NOT apply to consultants who only need client access to create tickets in the portal.


This is for assigned TDX Admins who are able to grant security roles and application access to users within TDX.

Guide for Consultants Only Needing Ticketing (TDNext) Access

This consultant may be added to a project with basic project functionality roles but would not be a project manager.  The basic project permissions are only activated if a user is added as a resource to a project, and only for that project.

Application Access:

  • Communities
  • My Work
  • Projects
  • SO Client Portal
  • TDNext
  • Tickets
  • Workspaces

Main Security Role

Consultant Technician (includes basic PMT permissions)

Application Security Roles

  • Tickets - Technician
  • SO Client Portal - Client + Knowledge Base, Project Request, Projects, Questions, Services, Ticket Requests

Guide for Consultants Needing Ticketing and Project Manager/Lead Access

This consultant may be added to a project as a lead, co-manager, or project manager so their roles and applications will include more.

Application Access:

  • Communities
  • File Cabinets
  • My Work
  • Project Templates
  • Projects
  • Resource Management
  • SO Client Portal
  • TDNext
  • Tickets
  • Time & Expense
  • Workspaces

Main Security Role

Consultant Project Manager/Lead 

Application Security Roles

  • Tickets - Technician
  • SO Client Portal - Client + Knowledge Base, Project Request, Projects, Questions, Services, Ticket Requests



Article ID: 151958
Fri 6/28/24 1:58 PM
Fri 8/23/24 1:00 PM