TDX: Asset Management Getting Ready for AIS Import


To guide colleges through creating AIS attributes for the initial phase of imports. 

Before Getting Started

These attributes must be created as described below to work correctly in the initial AIS imports.  Please make these attributes in the sandbox instance to test.  You can get to your sandbox by adding in the URL sb in front of TDNext. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


We assume you are an application admin for an asset application in TeamDynamix. 


Please find below the list of attributes that must be created, it will include the name, the type of asset, and the choices. 

  1. AIS Product Types
    1. Drop-down list
    2. Choices: 
      1. IT Hardware (010) 
      2. IT Software (020) 
      3. Equipment (040) 
      4. Property (050) 
      5. Fleet (060) 
      6. Machinery (070) 
      7. Furniture (080) 
      8. Facility (090) 
      9. Intangible (100) 
      10. Asset Retirement Obligations (200) 
      11. Other (999) 
  2. AIS Asset Statuses
    1. Drop-down list
    2. Choices: 
      1. In Service
      2. Disposed
      3. Received
      4. Suspended
      5. Surplus
      6. Transferred
      7. Work in Process
  3. AIS Asset Class
    1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Drop-down list
    2. Choices: 
      1. COLL
      2. ETF
      3. FOUND
      4. GOV
      5. OTHER
      6. OTHSTATE
  4. AIS Business Unit
    1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Drop-Down List
    2. Choices: ​​​​​​​
      1. BR291
      2. CV292
      3. DC279
      4. DL287
      5. ES284
      6. GC297
      7. JT290
      8. LF298
      9. ME299
      10. NR275
      11. NV280
      12. PC277
      13. PH285
      14. PV282
      15. RC278
      16. SC270
      17. SO261
      18. SR283
      19. SV276
      20. SW294
      21. TC295
      22. TN293
      23. VH296
      24. VW286
      25. WC288
  5. AIS Asset ID
    1. ​​​​​​​Text box
  6. AIS Tag Number​​​​​​​
    1. Text box
  7. AIS Description
    1. Text area
  8. AIS Short Description
    1. Text Area
  9. AIS Acquisition Date
    1. Date Picker
  10. AIS Capital Acquisition Plan
    1. Text Box
  11. AIS Manufacturer
    1. Text Box
  12. AIS Model
    1. Text Area
  13. AIS Serial ID
    1. Text box
  14. AIS ETF Unique Identifier
    1. ​​​​​​​Text box
  15. AIS Last Modified DateTime
    1. Date/Time Picker
  16. AIS Fund Code
    1. Text box
  17. AIS Department
    1. Text Box
  18. AIS Total Cost
    1. Text box
  19. AIS Location Code
    1. Text box
  20. AIS Building Number
    1. Text box
  21. AIS Floor Number
    1. Text box
  22. AIS Room Number
    1. Text box
  23. AIS Description 2
    1. Text area



Article ID: 151888
Tue 6/25/24 9:28 PM
Tue 9/3/24 11:47 AM