HCM: Salary Increase Loading Process



Video Link: Salary Increase Process Training Video

DOA provide the file & information to us, and we just load it based on their guidelines. The guideline informs us on when they want the effective dates to be for the salary increases. This increase reflects on our actual pay check.

Step by Step Instructions:

Review Salary Increase Tracker in SSC Human Resource Services

  • Go to Documents > Shared Service Information>Salary Increase Document > Adjunct.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Copy all the files from the adjunct folder to your desktop. Next, open all the files and ensure they are in the right format.

  • 47 character is the data we use for the salary increase. When data is not in the right format, contact Adina to let her know.
  • Errors for Formatting UTF.docx

Copy all the files and transfer them to the production server.

  • Note: You must be connected to VPN to be able to access the production server: hrdata(\\psdata.vccs.edu) (W:). (We use this server to exchange data externally with Vendors)

Open Folder > HRDATA_SO261 ( This is used to load the data utilities internally).

Open folder “prod_in” and copy the files into this folder.

Open up HCM 9.2 Prod and login

  • Click on NavBar > EMPLOYEE>HRMS> Salary Change
  • VX_DOASAL_2023

Compare and confirm file existence and Enter “Yes” for “File Provided” field AND enter “Yes” for “Loaded to HCM Job Data Page” in the file “2% - Salary Increase Tracker”.

Enter “Record Loaded” and “Record Not Loaded” in the tracker.

The interface process runs at HR 03 which contains data, it takes our HCM Data and interfaces it over to Carton.

Run Time: Before or after 5:30pm

  • If we RUN it before 5:30pm, then tomorrow morning Adina & the team can see it in Cardinal, and the reports and all thE stuff that come out of that process.
  • If we run it after 5:30pm, they wont see it until the following night at 5:30pm


After loading file, copy file name and paste it in Salary Change (under NavBar). Click “RUN” then Click “OK”

Open up a “New Window”

Under NavBar, click on “Process Monitor”

Under Process List, add the following values to these fields:

  • Add “1” for “Days”
  • Change “Run Status” to blank. Click “Refresh” to see job running.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Finally, in the ADJUNCT folder, move the loaded files into “Loaded to HCM job Data” folder.



Article ID: 148660
Mon 1/8/24 12:31 PM
Wed 2/21/24 11:15 AM