Need to work with college requests. Some Shifts are already configured to use on new definitions; some are not. Preview how other Shifts and Schedules are used/configured for the college request. Schedule Shifts and Schedule Definitions can be created under the college BU or VCCS depending on the college's preference. The best practice SSC TLAM recommended is having the schedules built under the VCCS Schedule ID. The college needs to provide the effective date required for the configuration. The college also needs to review all setups before configuring them in Production.
The TRCs for exempt and non-exempt hours are the following:
How to Create a Shift
The shift is the hours worked on a specific day. The schedule is made up of shifts therefore if the shift does not exist. It will need to be created before you can create the schedule.
Set Up HCM> Product Related> Time and Labor> Schedule Configurations>Shifts
SSC TLAM recommends colleges use the VCCS Shared Schedule ID. Click Add a New Value tab
Type in the Shift ID. Make it descriptive to denote exempt (0R1) or non-exempt (REG) then click on the Add button.
Use 01/01/1965 as the effective date. Type in the description, shift type = Elapsed, Short Description, Taskgroup = PSNONTASK, Duration is the hours then the appropriate TRC.
How to Create a Schedule
The schedule is made up of shifts. The shift is available to be added to the schedule.
Set Up HCM> Product Related> Time and Labor> Schedule Configurations>Schedules
Click on the Add a New Value tab. Use the VCCS Shared Scheduled ID. Type the Schedule ID then click on the Add button.
Define the schedule. The customer needs to provide the effective date for the schedule. Type the description, short description, select the definition type = Elapsed, Days in schedule = 7, Default Taskgroup = PSNONTASK. The other fields will automatically populate.
Define the shifts in the schedule. In this example the first day is Monday. The effective date determines the first day of the schedule. Clicking on the Show Calendar will show the days of the week. Populate the schedule with the various shifts to complete the schedule. In this example, we are using 5.5 hours M – F for the work week. The customer will provide the shifts for each day (hours each day).
Click on the Show Calendar to review the shifts and TRCs. Click OK to return to the schedule shift view.
Click Save
The schedule should exist. The schedule is available for colleges to assign to an employee or group.