TDX: Project Team Onboarding in TDX Help Guide


This should be used as an onboarding help guide for project team members who have only the client license, or are more comfortable using the client portal.



As a project team member, you will be asked to participate in the project utilizing TeamDynamix.  This will include:

  • Accessing the Project
  • Task updates
  • Time tracking
  • Risk and Issue Review
  • Important Links
  • Document Repository

Accessing the Project

You may access your projects by going to the VCCS Client Portal:

Once you are logged in, click on the Project/Workspaces tab to the right of the Home tab. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Any project you are associated with will show up on this page.  Please click on the appropriate project to begin review.

Depending on your permission level, you will have access to the following:

  • DETAILS, includes percent completion, project team members, end date, health, project request information, complexity score, risks, goals, and description
  • FEED, includes a feed of meeting notes, status changes, edits, new items, and comments
  • ANNOUNCEMENTS, includes any major announcement that is related to the project
  • BRIEFCASE, includes the document repository for the project.  The files are not considered live, as those will be kept in the accompanying Microsoft Teams file system.
  • CALENDAR, your personal task dates will be kept here
  • CONTACTS, includes the contact information for project resources (not stakeholders)
  • ISSUES, includes project issues and, if your permission allows it, you can add and/or update issues
  • RISKS, includes project issues and, if your permission allows it, you can add and/or update issues
  • LINKS, includes any important links that you may need related to the project
  • PLANS, will be broken out by your assigned tasks and then the overall plans for the project.  You will be able to do a simple update to your tasks here

Updating Your Task and Time Tracking

From the Plans section of your project, click on the title of the task that needs updating.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)To update, click on theUploaded Image (Thumbnail)This new window will allow you to update the percentage completed of the task, comments relevant to the status change, and choose who to notify. 


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Lastly, click Save.

Issue and Risk Management

Navigate to the issue and risk tab to view active risks and issues. Clicking on the title will take you into the detail page.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


The detail page allows you to see all pertinent information to that item, including who is responsible, attachments, who has read that page, and any updates will be placed in the feed at the bottom. 

From this page you can select from Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

COMMENT will only allow you to post text and select who to notify from the project of the comment.

UPDATE will allow you to update the status phase, add comments, select who to notify of the update, and add an attachment.

Click Save when finished.

Adding New Issue/Risk

When you need to add a new risk or issue, click 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) from the Risk/Issue main page.

You will be asked for specific information; anything with a red asterisk is required. 


Click Save when finished.

Viewing Links

Often project team members will add links that are important to the project, and these are kept in the links section. 

By clicking on the link section, all links will be populated on the screen. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

If you click on the title of the link, it will give you all the information around that link, including comments, and a description. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

If you click on VIEW, it will take you straight to the site that has been linked.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)




Article ID: 146446
Tue 7/11/23 4:43 PM
Tue 9/17/24 4:26 PM