HRMS: Onboarding Consultants 101 for Project Managers


How to onboard consultants to the college or agency so they can provide needed project support.


Consultants are often used to provide support for IT projects.  To allow consultants access to systems and data the following steps should be taken:

  1. Give consultants the following forms to sign:
    1. Information Security Awareness Training Consultants form 
    2. IT Employee Acceptable Use Agreement form
    3. VCCS Third party Non-disclosure agreement form 
  2. Complete SOSEC001 ITS Access Request Form.  Add the Full Name and Termination Date, check other apps/folders if needed, and sign and date this form at the bottom.  Email this form and the other 3 forms signed by the consultant to your information security officer (ISO).  The ISO will complete the onboarding process. 

NOTE:  These forms are all accessible from the right hand side of this screen under Files.  Some forms are specific to the System Office and in that case forms should be customized to meet the needs of the college or agency.



Article ID: 135604
Wed 9/8/21 2:23 PM
Wed 9/11/24 3:53 PM

