TDX: What are Service Management processes and function?


The main areas in IT service management are Service Support and Service Delivery. Within these areas are processes and a function.

Service Delivery is responsible for the overall quality of service. It is involved in management practices.
Service Support is the practice of disciplines that affect the day-to-day processes

For addiotnal details, read this article.


The main areas in IT service management are Service Support and Service Delivery. Within these areas are processes and a function.

Service Delivery is responsible for the overall quality of service. It is involved in management practices.
Service Support is the practice of disciplines that affect the day-to-day processes.

Service Support

Service Management processes and function are concerned with day-to-day activities of IT.


Service Desk

The Service Desk is a function within Service Management. It is the central point of contact to and from the IT organization.

By default, it is the owner of all incidents.

Incident Management

Incidents are defined as events that affect normal delivery of IT services. This process is responsible for responding to incidents and ensuring that the service is restored to normal in the shortest possible time.

Problem Management

Incident Management is responsible for short term solutions to incidents. Problem Management is responsible for longer-term solutions to incidents or problems.

It is responsible for tracking problems from initiation to its resolution.

Change Management

This process is responsible for ensuring that changes done to the infrastructure are authorized, tested and implemented in a structured manner. All changes to tracked assets go through this process. This process works works with Configuration Management.

This process is also responsible for planning and reviewing test results, installation and back out processes.

Configuration Management

This process maintains the Configuration Management Database (CMDB). The CMDB contains information on all resources that have to be tracked. These include hardware, software and documents.

All changes to anything tracked in the CMDB should go through the change management process.

Release Management

This process is responsible for the actual implementation of the changes to production. It also maintains the Definitive Software Library (DSL) and the Definitive Hardware Store (DHS).

The DSL is a repository of all software implemented in production.

The DHS is a repository of all spare hardware that may be needed in production.



Article ID: 1291
Fri 4/4/14 1:02 AM
Mon 8/19/24 11:52 AM