eVA: eVA Integrations Errors since AIS 9.2 Upgrade


Review of 2 new eVA integration issues resulting from the AIS 9.2 upgrade and how to resolve them.


The AIS9.2 upgrade has caused two new failures when Purchase Orders try to integrate with AIS. When a PO fails integration, eVA sends an email to the requester with a denial “Reason”, which the requester should provide to the Help Center. The two failures caused by the upgrade all follow the same basic formats, and at this time (5/6/2020), they have different answers based upon the message. Below is an example of the email the requestor gets:


The two basic message formats are:

  1. First operand of . is NULL, so cannot access member Len. (180,236) PO_LINE.LINE_NBR.SavePreChange  P (180,236) Contact your College eVA Administrator for assistance TID=XXXXXXX
    1. This denial reason is caused when a Change Order is approved with additional line items. Respond with this message:
    2. “Your Change Order was denied by the system (AIS) because of additional lines added. This is a known error in the recently upgraded AIS 9.2 and we are working with ITS to fix the issue. If this Purchase Order is urgent, the only way to complete it at this time is to check “Bypass ERP Integration” on the Purchase Requisition (PR) and resubmit. We will announce to all eVA users when the issue is permanently resolved.”
  2. No or Multiple AIS Vendor could be found for eVA Supplier >VS000000000< TIN >999999999 < Count is 0 (27000,39) Contact your College eVA Administrator for assistance TID=XXXXXXX
    1. This denial reason is caused by approval workflows in AIS. The A/P team is working hard to resolve these, one-by-one. Respond with this message:
    2. “Your Purchase Order was denied by the system (AIS) because of a known vendor issue in the recent upgrade. Our A/P staff is working hard to resolve these one-by-one, as they occur, while we work with ITS to fix the issue permanently. Please try to resubmit your Purchase Requisition (PR) after 24 hours.” 



Article ID: 107664
Thu 5/14/20 12:34 PM
Wed 9/18/24 5:45 PM